F-35A A-G Loadout

F-35 Armament, fuel tanks, internal and external hardpoints, loadouts, and other stores.
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by deadseal » 10 Jul 2010, 01:54

Yo! I tried to find a related post so as not to revisit a topic that people have already argued over, but based on the other thread of an A-A loadout and the general obsession of people on this site with the A-A caps of the f-35 lets talk about the real reason the f-35 was built. To replace the AI/CAS/SCAR/RESCAP/etc. I tried to find a solid explanation for what an f-35 can carry and was unable. Sometimes GPS aided munitions are not the most desired due to modern Jamming caps. Also the Laser guided munitions can be much more accurate when dealing with Dynamic targeting, movers, etc. What is the GBU-12 loadout for a stealthy f-35? also how can an f-35 due rescap with only 180 rounds of 25MM and 2 bombs? What do you guys think?

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by SpudmanWP » 10 Jul 2010, 03:41

The first graphic is what each of the 11 hardpoints can carry and the second is what types of weapons are being cleared for Internal/External carriage.

One thing to keep in mind, using the UAI (Universal Armament Interface) program, a weapon can be added without the need to do a block upgrade.

Weapon Station Capacity:


Weapon Types:

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by spazsinbad » 10 Jul 2010, 05:06


"All variants [of F-35] have the capability of internal carriage of weapons in the two weapon bays. Each weapon bay has two weapon stations, an air-to-ground weapon station and an air-to-air weapon station."

MORE INFO here: http://www.aerospaceweb.org/question/planes/q0163.shtml

http://www.sflorg.com/aviation/images/i ... _01_02.jpg
from DAVIS PDF 2006 comes gif graphic:
http://www.jsf.mil/downloads/documents/ ... t%2006.pdf

Last graphic from: http://www.dtic.mil/ndia/2010armament/T ... ayward.pdf
Last edited by spazsinbad on 10 Jul 2010, 06:37, edited 8 times in total.

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by deadseal » 10 Jul 2010, 05:08

Awesome Chart!! :) what do you guys think about high threat CAS. I.E no kidding FLOT/FEBA support with double digit SAMS in the area. what would be a good loadout to maximize weapons delivery?

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by SpudmanWP » 10 Jul 2010, 05:16

What timeframe? 2012, 2015, 2020, etc?

Now, a full internal load of SDBs on one side and Brimstones on the other.
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by munny » 10 Jul 2010, 05:20

Some more loadout examples...

Don't see any reason why the F-35A can't also carry the gun pod as shown in the centre hardpoint on this picture...anyone?

I know I've seen a picture somewhere where it is loaded to the hilt with 500lb bombs, just can't find it.

As far as RESCAP it has a number of features to help with this as well as CAS in general..

Situtation awareness gadgets...

Blue force tracking as shown in block 6 (ie. If it aint ours, put some bombs on it)

Tracking of ground targets from altitude, including infantry from altitude (again, if it aint ours, bomb it)..

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by beepa » 10 Jul 2010, 09:18

'Don't see any reason why the F-35A can't also carry the gun pod as shown in the centre hardpoint on this picture...anyone'

Great question and something I have been wondering for some time. In a CAS role the gun on the A10 will be surley(shirley) missed, there seems to be a shift away from guns for CAS across all 3 types. The current/planned gun on F35A and the pods on the B/C appear 'lite' in comparason. As well as the question above, is there any limit to which stations the pods can be used, or are they limited to stn6 only. I.e. can multiple pods be carried/employed if the need arises?

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by spazsinbad » 10 Jul 2010, 09:52

beepa, cannot answer your exact question at moment - in the meantime here is a 2007 request that the USAF not forgo the gun.

The Need for a Permanent Gun System On the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter by Colonel Charles Moore USAF 2007

http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD ... tTRDoc.pdf (0.3Mb) Attached here also...

Historically, the United States Air Force (USAF) concentrates on advanced or future weaponry when it develops advanced/next generation aircraft like the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). However, some legacy weapons, such as an internal gun system, continue to prove they are still viable and are absolutely necessary if we want our future aircraft to have the flexibility necessary for the wide range of missions we expect them to perform.

This point of view is far from being unchallenged. There are many individuals and organizations within the Department of Defense (DoD) and the within the aerospace industry that think the time for a gun on fighter aircraft is long over. These organizations/individuals primarily point to the advancements in modern weaponry to support their point of view. For example, the advancements in precision weapons have provided the USAF with the ability to target virtually any target, in any weather, at any time. Additionally, the requirement to design, install and maintain a gun system on an aircraft does not come without additional expense. Space and weight are always significant details when designing a new aircraft. These issues are magnified when designing a stealthy aircraft whose signature is negatively affected by any moving part and any opening on the aircraft’s precisely designed fuselage.

However, many people agree that all of these negative attributes are overcome by the flexibility and insurance that a permanent internal gun system offers. These individuals believe a gun system is a reliable, low cost, small logistical footprint system that offers effects unachievable by other weapons. Not including such a weapon would not only be imprudent but would potentially prevent the F-35 Lightning II from achieving many of the missions it will be expected to perform late into the 21st century."

.....Finally, the USAF must not be timid or reluctant to continue to make its case for including an internal gun system on the F-35. Historical precedent, as well as careful analysis of the F-35’s CONOPS, makes it abundantly clear that a gun system is not only required weapon, but also an absolutely necessary if the aircraft is reign supreme on the battlefield of the future. Without a doubt, any and all of the negative attributes discussed is this paper are overcome by the tactical flexibility and indemnity that a permanent internal gun system offers. Furthermore, there is no uncertainty that an internal gun offers a reliable, low cost, difficult to defeat, fast acting, small logistical footprint system that provides tactical effects that are unachievable by other weapons. It would be completely imprudent for the USAF to pass up the opportunity to field such a weapon on the aircraft that will ultimately represent the backbone of the United States’ combat Air Force."
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by Scorpion82 » 10 Jul 2010, 12:20

Why using a podded gun if you have it internal? There is no need for a gun pod on the F-35A as it carries it's gun internal and carrying a second gun is an unnecessary redundancy.

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by FlightDreamz » 10 Jul 2010, 13:29

Why use a podded gun if you have it internal?

More ammo, could be useful in strafing ground positions. :shrug:
Thanks to Spazsinbad for the U.S.A.F.'s stand on an internal gun for the F-35 (which I happen to wholeheartedly agree with)! :thumb: Interesting that the Marines are only buying a gun pod for every second F-35. @#$%!! cost issues!
A fighter without a gun . . . is like an airplane without a wing.— Brigadier General Robin Olds, USAF.

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by furus » 10 Jul 2010, 14:22

Don't worry, one gun for every two F-35Bs should be plenty. Don't forget, jets that are in maintenance, training units, stateside somewhere, etc need few if any gun pods. (The majority of the inventory at any given time.)

Even a unit deployed down range wouldn't need a gun pod for every single aircraft.

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by Scorpion82 » 10 Jul 2010, 15:43

a second gun with 225 rounds sounds a little bit uneconomical for me. The internal gun has 180 rounds, not so much less and many of the todays fighters a have a relative small gun ammo. Russian and European aircraft have between 100 and 200 rounds only for example and the fact that many US fighters have a much larger gun ammo load is primarily owed to the fact that these guns fire extremely fast, while being less effective.

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by energo » 10 Jul 2010, 22:10

munny wrote:Some more loadout examples...

Don't see any reason why the F-35A can't also carry the gun pod as shown in the centre hardpoint on this picture...anyone?

Could be done, but currently no plans. Question is whether it would it be a good use of resources. Perhaps you could redesign that pod to launch a couple of AIM-9X or Brimstones instead. :mrgreen:

Still, the gun has had a renaissance in later years:

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by deadseal » 11 Jul 2010, 03:03

could the bays be modded to carry 4 gbu12's internally? 12's are the standard CAS loadout (actually 1-2 gbu38's on a BRU by 2 gbu12's on a TER)this would help for high threat CAS inside an SA-10/20 MEZ and you had to stay stealthy. Everyone talks about GPS munitions for the future, when thier accuracy is based on alot of factors that pilots don't control. you cant jam a paveway nor give it bad coordinates. there are many many great uses for JDAMs, but i would argue that dynamic targeting is not one of them (in clear weather).

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by SpudmanWP » 11 Jul 2010, 04:39

It would likely take a custom rack that staggers the load.
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