F-16 Reference

F-16 Aircraft Database

United States Air Force F-16 Mission Marks

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Found 200 aircraft, displaying 31-45 [Sorted by Unit and FY/n]
Local S/N AF/Unit Aircraft Name Marked Date Details
84234 USAF 127 TFTS 84-1234 Sep 1991 Details
84387 USAF 127 TFTS 84-1387 "Wild Card" Aug 1991 Details
91399 USAF 13 FS 91-0399 May 2003 Details
91423 USAF 13 FS 91-0423 May 2003 Details
91423 USAF 13 FS 91-0423 May 2004 Details
92886 USAF 13 FS 92-3886 May 2003 Details
May have been assigned to the 14th FS at this time.
92894 USAF 13 FS 92-3894 May 2003 Details
83165 USAF 134 FS 83-1165 "Lethal Lady" 06 Aug 2007 Details
Wore 15 various bomb markings and three gun strafe markings.
84287 USAF 134 FS 84-1287 19 Jan 2006 Details
Wore 2 GBU-12 mission markings.
90812 USAF 14 FS 90-0812 Aug 2012 Details
91370 USAF 157 FS 91-0370 21 Aug 2012 Details
93531 USAF 157 FS 93-0531 22 Aug 2012 Details
93531 USAF 157 FS 93-0531 07 Jun 2016 Details
The jet collided with a 157th FS sistership (#92-3899) above a military operating area near Jefferson County, Georgia during a routine exercise. Both pilots ejected safely.
93531 USAF 157 FS 93-0531 07 Jun 2016 Details
93535 USAF 157 FS 93-0535 23 Aug 2012 Details

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Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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