F-16 Reference

F-16 Aircraft Database

United States Air Force F-16 Mission Marks

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Found 200 aircraft, displaying 151-165 [Sorted by Unit and FY/n]
Local S/N AF/Unit Aircraft Name Marked Date Details
89137 USAF 510 FS 89-2137 "31 OG" Unknown Details
89137 USAF 510 FS 89-2137 "31 OG" Unknown Details
88486 USAF 524 FS 88-0486 Mar 2003 Details
Wore 27 yellow mission markings from OIF. Squadron was in region for OSW when war began.
88528 USAF 524 FS 88-0528 Mar 2003 Details
Aircraft was in region for OSW when OIF started.
90776 USAF 524 FS 90-0776 "524 FS" Mar 2003 Details
Deployed for OSW, stayed for OIF. Wore 30 yellow mission markings but they were scratched out on return to Cannon AFB.
89008 USAF 524 FS 89-2008 Mar 2003 Details
Had at least 5 yellow mission markings applied. Aircraft was in region for OSW when OIF started.
89009 USAF 526 FS 89-2009 28 Feb 1994 Details
Scored one kill of a Yugoslav Galeb with an AIM-9M over Bosnia.
89137 USAF 526 FS 89-2137 Feb 1994 Details
Triple Killer

Scored three kills in one mission over Bosnia on February 28th, 1994 - one with an AIM-120 AMRAAM and two with AIM-9M's. Three kill markings were added but quickly removed after just one day. The kill markings were later re-added by the 510th FS but as 3 green stars.
91346 USAF 55 FS 91-0346 Nov 1999 Details
three HARM markings and nose art remained for a short while after returning to Shaw AFB as well as the nose art.
91382 USAF 55 FS 91-0382 Oct 1999 Details
Wore six HARM markings and one confirmed SA-3 kill marking.
91384 USAF 55 FS 91-0384 Oct 2018 Details
91387 USAF 55 FS 91-0387 Apr 2016 Details
91387 USAF 55 FS 91-0387 Jan 2017 Details
91388 USAF 55 FS 91-0388 Apr 2002 Details
93532 USAF 55 FS 93-0532 Oct 2018 Details

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Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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