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In Memoriam

Captain Percival Taylor "Teflon" Gates

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Captain Percival Taylor "Teflon" Gates

7 October 1991

Visitor Comments
Taylor Gates
George Doucette, Feb 19, 2008 - 03:59 AM

I had the honor of teaching Taylor Gates in College.

He wsa straight-A's, and a smile that couldn't be beat.

He was the nicest and most capable of my 2500 students.

Captain Taylor Gates III
Brian Fiske III, Mar 16, 2008 - 01:09 AM

Captain Gates was my roommate and dear friend at Daniel Webster College in Nashua, New Hampshire. There was no one more dedicated to serve his country as a fighter pilot and officer than Captain Gates. He was my mentor and I admired him as the older brother that I never had. He is in my thoughts every time I see a fighter jet and he flew into heaven doing what he loved. No doubt he is still smiling with the "afterburner on" in a vertical climb. We miss you my friend! Fly on!

Taylor Gates - Beloved Husband
Becky Gates, Apr 23, 2008 - 12:25 AM

Thank you so much for those who left these comments. It is nice to think that my husband is still remembered by someone other than myself. Taylor was my best friend, a wonderful person and an very caring husband. I miss you so much!

Swede, Aug 11, 2008 - 12:48 AM

What a good dude!

Becky - Teflon will always be remembered. Remembered by all his 422 TES Bro's and all his fellow Weapons School Grads. It was an honor to have been part of the 422 and to call him a friend.

God Bless

John O'Brien, Sep 19, 2008 - 04:02 PM

Seventeen years later, and still remembered dearly. Finest pilot, best friend, finest person I've ever met, and often in my thoughts and prayers. Taylor is the symbol of the American Fighting Man that I have taught my children to value and respect, and the tear in my eye at every memorial day event. Check 6

Taylor Gates
Bill Dedrick, Mar 11, 2009 - 08:45 PM

I too remember Taylor from my days at Daniel Webster College. The College, and the alumni who knew him, are proud to call him one of ours. A student and a man we all looked up to. I don't know what his upbringing was but I wish I had some of it growing up. Why is it that the best often depart this place so soon? He has wings now that we can't begin to imagine. See you again, my friend - tallyho!

Remember Taylor
Mario, Feb 04, 2010 - 10:43 PM

Only recently knew from Thunderbirds leader that Taylor is no longer with us.I am very sad but our HOT STICK will allways be in our hearts. As a foreign student in Columbus AFB UPT, i was very honored to have Taylor as a classmate. 6 Outstanding check rides with only a couple of downgrades , identify his real performance and capacity.He was so sure and proud of his F-16 assignment.Thanks Taylor for your flying tips.

taylor gates
ken millspaugh, Jul 24, 2010 - 05:12 AM

Teflon and I were at the "Kun" together in 1986. I was there when he got his callsign for putting the maintenance book on the top of the intake of his F-16 and forgetting about it until he cranked the motor and trtashed his engine. Taylor was the best Lt I ever flew with and the Sq CC respected him so much that he let this Lt completely run the scheduling shop by himself. Truly remarkable. He has and will be missed by all who came in contact with him.

Adams Viper Weapons
weapons, Mar 23, 2011 - 08:31 PM

I am apalled I stumbled across Cap. Gates name.

89-2059 was his F-16. Night time sortie a LOLA (live ordance loading area). Waiting for Cap. Gates to land. Were told to secure all toll boxes and equipment that were used on 2059. Bad feeling

God Bless

84-06 Top Stick
Col Steve Wood, Apr 12, 2011 - 05:53 AM

Great memories of a classmate in UPT that was just a wonderful person to fly with, sim with, and just to study/hang around with. His amazing performance was simply a "hint" of the talents he held...

Just a superb pilot, person, and friend.

Taylor Gates
john gates, Nov 12, 2012 - 04:42 PM

Taylor Gates, first cousin and hero to yours truly growing up. For this veterans days, my son's pre-school class learned the USAF Song which his class sang to our town's senior citizen brought back a wave of emotions and kept thinking of Taylor everytime my little man hit the highs notes. RIP Taylor are missed terribly but not forgotten.

A Great Fighter Pilot
Dutch Remkes, Mar 18, 2013 - 09:58 PM

I was assigned to the 422 and was supposed to fly with Teflon the next night. I'd been flying nights that week and didn't listen to the radio that afternoon driving in to work - I found out at the Ops Counter as I was prepping for the flight - and I was stunned. His call sign was Teflon for a reason - bad things were supposed to never stick to him. Teflon, you won't be forgotten. Becky, continued fair winds to you.

Captain Taylor Gates
Steve "Moose" Hurd, May 28, 2013 - 12:39 PM

Fellow AF Cadet at Daniel Webster, thinking of him this Memorial weekend. Prayers are with you Becky.

Fellow Cop
Jeff Olson, Sep 13, 2013 - 09:48 PM

I just checked for Percy on Google! WOW! He was stationed with me as an MP in Germany. Back then he dreamt of being a State Trooper in Maine. Last I had seen him was 1978. Then I ran i ran into him at DWC in 81 or so, I couldn't believe it! My rookie friend had gone Air Force to be a Pilot. He is missed. My heart goes out to his Family.

1986 Reenlistment
David, Nov 10, 2013 - 03:00 PM

Captain Taylor Gates conducted my 1st Reenlistment, 35 Tactical Fighter Squadron, Kunsan AB Korea in 1986. He was the most respected officer I've ever know in 32 years of serving. This veterans day, my Facebook picture is of Captain Gates swearing me in. in honor of Captain Gates who made the ultimate sacrifice while servicing our country. RIP, you are not forgotten. Thank you!

Taylor Gates- Flight Instructor
Tim W., Dec 03, 2014 - 02:31 PM

I was reminiscing about my days back at Daniel Webster College and wondered whatever became of my flight instructor Taylor Gates. I was shocked and deeply saddened, especially twenty-three years after the fact, to learn of his tragic passing. He was my instructor back in the spring of 1983. He taught me how to fly the old Cessna 152 and I performed my first solo under his instruction. I remembered him telling me that I was one of his last students because he had a pilot slot and would soon be entering the Air Force. He was a true professional and the epitome of a “Fighter Pilot”. In some ways he inspired me to join the Air Force later in 1984 where coincidently I would become a Crew Chief on F-16’s. From reading information about Taylor’s service, I was serving with the 13th TFS an F-16 squadron at Misawa AB Japan around the same time he was at Kunsan AB in 1986. I’m sorry our paths never crossed later in time. He was a true inspiration and his legacy lives on after all these years! God Speed “Teflon”. You are not forgotten!

Missing them so!!
Carol Ann Norwood, Feb 28, 2016 - 07:03 AM

Missing Taylor and Becky so much over the years. Thoughts of love and memories continue to surface to the top on their anniversaries. Miss AJ much as well.

Hope life continues to give you blessings Becky.

Never forgotten,

Carol Ann and Scotty Norwood

My namesake, Percival Taylor Gates
Taylor Emhart (Gates), May 30, 2016 - 05:23 PM

This blog connects me to an uncle that I never had the privilege of meeting. I am honored to be named after such an incredible man. My middle name is Lee, after Taylor's youngest brother Galen Lee, who passed away when he was 9. Again, I am honored and thank you for your stories.

Taylor Lee Emhart (Gates)

In search of Taylors family
Beth Farley-Haider, Nov 18, 2017 - 06:22 PM

I am DESPERATELY seeking Taylors family. TAYLOR‘s wife Becky has passed away and my brother has all of Taylors military things and personal items. We would love to get them to his family members can somebody please help me with that? Please email me at BethHaider or call/text me at 701-389–0287. Thank you in advance! We miss Taylor every day. He has impacted our lives in such a beautiful way. We were blessed to have him in our family for a short time.

Served with Percy
Mike Nunes, Feb 12, 2019 - 10:42 PM

I served with Percival T Gates (Percy) in the 272nd MP Company Mannheim, Germany in 1977-78. Good man, good leader and he only excelled after leaving active Army duty.

Remembering Taylor this Memorial Day
Glenn McGowan, May 27, 2019 - 07:27 PM

I attended Daniel Webster College with Taylor and still remember him as one of the finest individuals I had ever met. On Memorial Day my thoughts often turn to individuals I served with in the USAF and today is no different. Fair Winds Taylor. You will not be forgotten!

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