US Air Force - AMARC

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    USAF F-16A ADF #81-0736 was ripped from unit markings but flew with the 136th FS untill it was stored in the Boneyard. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A ADF #81-0737 has the old markings of the 119th FS. It was flown into storage on November 22nd, 1994. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0739 flew with the 169th FS before being retired. It only flew for little over a year with the unit. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0740 is devoid of unit markings, but it flew with the 134th FS untill its retirement. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0742 which was last flown by the 134th FS but is seen here at AMARC devoid of any unit markings. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0743 has no unit markings applied on the tail. It ended its carreer with the 134th FS of the Vermont ANG. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0744 with faded markings for the 134th FS as it sits in storage at AMARC. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0746 with the unit markings washed out. This F-16 was previously with the 134th FS but here it is seen in storage at AMARC. It was brought to AMARC on February 24th, 1994. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0748 served with the 134th FS of the Vermont ANG untill it was stored in the Boneyard. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0749 is devoid of markings but was last operted by the 134th FS. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0752 has the low-viz markings of the 134th FS while it is spotted at AMARC in 2005. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0753 has been stripped of unit markings. It was flown in storage by the 134th FS on March 10th, 1994. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A ADF #81-0755 with faint markings of the 159th FS. This aircraf arrived at AMARC on December 12th, 1995. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0756 with markings for the 198th FS which sent this aircraft into storage on September 29th, 1994. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]
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    USAF F-16A ADF #81-0757 at AMARC with markings for the 179th FS. The aircraft was retired on May 20th, 1996. [Photo by Phillip Kovaric]