Royal Norwegian Air Force F-16s

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    RNoAF, F-16BM, #711, with low-vis markings, taxiing to the ramp [Photo by Niels Klaeren]
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    RNoAF F-16AM, #660, with special tail art [RNoAF photo]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #275, of 332sqn stationned at the ramp of Greenham Common on June 27th, 1981 [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #687, of 331sqn parked at Finningly AFB on September 1st, 1984 [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #282, of 332sqn on the ramp at Fairford AFB on July 14th, 1985. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #281, of 332sqn on the ramp at Fairford AFB on July 14th, 1985. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16B, #691, of 334sqn passing a C-130 at Mildenhall AFB on May 27th, 1991. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #666, of 334sqn passing a USAF C-130 at Mildenhall AFB on May 27th, 1991. Note the dayglo flightsuite of the pilot [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16B, #305, on the tarmac at Mildenhall AFB on May 25th, 1996. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #288, of 338sqn ready to land at Coningsby AFB on May 30th, 1997. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16A, #297, of 338sqn waiting on the tarmac at Alconbury AFB on August 22nd, 1992. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    RNoAF F-16AM, #299, parked at Gilze-Rijen AFB. This is the Norwegian TVI aircraft for the MLU program. Note that the aircraft is painted in the standard USAF scheme, mistakenly applied by LMTAS during MLU conversion. This is the only Norwegian viper to wear this scheme [Photo by Marcel van Leeuwen]
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    Detailled shot of the RNOAF #660 F-16 with special markings celebrating 60 years of 31 sqn in 2001 [Photo by Niels Klaeren]
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    Starboard side of the 60 year anniversary markings of 331 sqn on F-16 #660 of the RNOAF [Photo by Niels Klaeren]
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    RNOAF F-16A, #671, in company of a USAF refuel plane [RNoAF photo]