F-16 Reference

F-16 Aircraft Database

Airframe Details for F-16 #86-0227

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F-16 Aircraft Profile

Aircraft: 86-0227
LM Aero T/V 5C-333
Plant General Dynamics
Local C/N
Delivered USAF 86227
F-16C Block 30C
Current USAF 86227
F-16C Block 30C
Status [sto]

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Aircraft History

Date Status Local S/N Airforce/Unit Version Name Info
24 Jul 1987 [act] 86227 F-16C Block 30C
Aug 1987 [act] 86227 USAF 81 TFS 'SP' F-16C Block 30C
Oct 1988 [act] 86227 USAF 527 AS 'WR' F-16C Block 30C
Bort number 14
Dec 1989 [act] 86227 USAF 23 TFS 'SP' F-16C Block 30C
Nov 1990 [act] 86227 USAF 23 TFS 'SP' F-16C Block 30C
Deployment: Desert Storm

Dec 1991 [act] 86227 USAF 149 TFS 'VA' F-16C Block 30C
15 Mar 1992 [act] 86227 USAF 149 FS 'VA' F-16C Block 30C
04 Dec 1993 [act] 86227 USAF 149 FS 'VA' F-16C Block 30C
Deployment: Northern Watch

01 Jan 1994 [act] 86227 USAF 149 FS 'VA' F-16C Block 30C
Unknown [act] 86227 USAF 149 FS 'VA' F-16C Block 30C
Special characteristics:
  • Unit Markings: 192 FW
Unknown [act] 86227 USAF 149 FS 'VA' F-16C Block 30C
Mar 2007 [act] 86227 USAF 121 FS 'DC' F-16C Block 30C
Apr 2011 [act] 86227 USAF 119 FS 'AC' F-16C Block 30C
Sep 2013 [act] 86227 USAF 457 FS F-16C Block 30C
27 Apr 2016 [act] 86227 USAF 457 FS F-16C Block 30C
Deployment: Freedom Sentinel

07 Aug 2016 [act] 86227 USAF 457 FS F-16C Block 30C
Unknown [sto] 86227 USAF OO-ALC F-16C Block 30C
During depot level maintenance, fatigue cracks were found. Since the 457th FS was in the midst of divesting its F-16s in preparation for the F-35, AFRC made the decision not to spend the money to repair it.

Crew Chief Comments

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SrA. Michael Combs

Crew Chief Profile
149th Fighter Squadron , 2005 - 2007
One week end a month two weeks a year as an ADCC. I didnt have much time on the jet because someone up top thought it would be cool to switch to the F-22. So they sent the her the DC Guard. The DCC followed it if that tells you anything about it.

MSgt. Mike Alphonse

Crew Chief Profile
177th Fighter Wing , 2011 - 2013

SSgt. Jen Campbell

Crew Chief Profile
149th Fighter Squadron , 1997 - 2007

Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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