RAAF F-35A #A35-016 in the colors of 3 sqn is departing NAS Fort Worth on its delivery flight on August 2nd, 2019. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-011 from 3 sqn is coming in for landing at RAAF Williamstown after its transferal flight from the US on April 7th, 2019. [Photo by Stephen Baldwin]
RAAF F-35A #A35-18 is climbing out from runway 18 at NAS Fort Worth on October 1st, 2019. [Photo by Txavgeek]
RAAF F-35A #A35-019 destined for 2 OCU is seen on a Sunday test flight at NAS Fort Worth on December 8th, 2019. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-020 is launching on a local test flight at NAS Fort Worth on December 13th, 2019. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-022 in the colors of 3 sqn is seen on its first flight on January 8th, 2020 at NAS Fort Worth. [Photo by Matt Ellis]
RAAF F-35A #A35-21 destined for 3 sqn is seen during a test flight at NAS Fort Worth on January 24th, 2020. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-019 destined for 3 sqn is one of four different Aussie A models that flew test sorties at NAS Fort Worth on January 31st, 2020. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-020 destined for 3 sqn is one of four different Aussie A models that flew test sorties at NAS Fort Worth on January 31st, 2020. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-021 destined for 3 sqn is one of four different Aussie A models that flew test sorties at NAS Fort Worth on January 31st, 2020. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-022 destined for 3 sqn is one of four different Aussie A models that flew test sorties at NAS Fort Worth on January 31st, 2020. [Photo by Keith Snyder]
RAAF F-35A #A35-017 destined for 3 sqn is coming in for landing at Luke AFB in late 2019. [Photo by Chris K.]
RAAF F-35A #A35-023 is taking off from runway 36 at the Lockheed Plant at NAS Fort Worth on March 5th, 2020. [Photo by Taxasafterburner]
RAAF F-35A #A35-024 in the colors of 2 OCU is coming in for landing after a test flight at NAS Fort Worth on March 12th, 2020. [
Airfighters.com photo by Brandon Thetford]
RAAF F-35A #A35-025 is destined for 2 OCU spotted on a local test flight from NAS Fort Worth on April 8th, 2020. [Photo by Keith Snyder]