RNlAF F-16AM #J-009 from 313 sqn is seen taxiing at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-016 from 312 sqn is starting a mission at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
Preparing a start is RNlAF F-16AM #J-021 from 312 sqn at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-021 from 312 sqn is seen taxiing at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
The demo-viper of the RNlAF seen in a rather unusual configuration with fuel package at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-196 from 313 sqn is spotted ready for take off at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-367 from 322 sqn is on the treshhold of the runway at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-515 from 311 sqn is taxiing by the camera at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-641 from 311 sqn is strolling past the lens at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-874 from 312 sqn is thundering down the runway at Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16BM #J-654 is ready for take off from Volkel AB on January 12th, 2007. It is bound to be sold to Jordan in the course of the year. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-001 from 312 sqn is landing at Volkel AB on January 31st, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-010 from 322 sqn is landing at Volkel AB on January 21st, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-142 from 312 sqn is leaving for a testflight from Volkel AB on January 31st, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-199 before the sun at Volkel on January 31st, 2007. [Photo by Mike Schoenmaker]