RNlAF F-16AM #J-616 in the colors of 312 sqn is moved to Hangar 1 at Volkel AB on July 18th, 2023. [F-16.net collection]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-197 from 312 sqn is being towed away from the hanger adorned with the special farewell F-16 tail in May of 2024 at Volkel AB. [Photo by Theo van den Boomen]
RNlAF F-16AM #J-616 is adorned with a special tail scheme and fuel tanks to commemorate the F-16s 50th anniversary. It was specifically designed for the 2024 edition of RIAT. Seen at RAF Fairford on July 17th, 2024 during its first roll-out. [RIAT photo]
RNlAF F-16AM #197 from 312 sqn is ready to roll from a dispersal at Volkel AB on August 29th, 2024. [Photo by Stutata300]
RNlAF F-16AM #197 from 312 sqn is rolling on a taxitrack at Volkel AB on August 29th, 2024. [Photo by Stutata300]