Two Norwegian F-16s are flying closely together in a formation flight. [RNoAF photo]
RNoAF F-16A block 10 #285 is parked on the appron at Aalborg AB during the Tactical Fighter Meet 1993 held on August 24th, 1993. [Photo by Erik Frikke]
RNoAF F-16A block 10 #293 is parked on the appron at Aalborg AB during the Tactical Fighter Meet 1993 held on August 24th, 1993. [Photo by Erik Frikke]
RNoAF F-16B block 5 #304 is parked on the appron at Aalborg AB during the Tactical Fighter Meet 1993 held on August 24th, 1993. [Photo by Erik Frikke]
RNoAF F-16B block 15 #693 is parked on the appron at Aalborg AB during the Tactical Fighter Meet 1993 held on August 24th, 1993. [Photo by Erik Frikke]
RNoAF F-16B block 10 #307 from 332 skv is taxiing by the camera at Soesterberg AB in 1982. The plane crashed on May 3rd, 1995. [
Airliners.net photo by Lieuwe Hofstra]
RNoAF F-16AM #680 from 331 skv. is taking off from Kabul IAP to start a CAP mission over Afghan territory. [Photo by Joost de Raaf]
Backside view of RNoAF F-16AM #680 from 331 skv. taking off from Kabul IAP to start a CAP mission over Afghan territory. [Photo by Joost de Raaf]
Four F-16s in place. Four different units present. Thats what we call a joint operation. Especially since we know the Norwegians only have 3 operational units left! Also note the magnificent Afghan mountain background. [Photo by Joost de Raaf]
RNoAF F-16A block 5 #278 prepares to take off to participate in exercise Alloy Express on March 7th, 1982. Ice and snow have been pushed off to the side of the runway. This aircraft crashed on March 23rd, 1992. [USAF photo by SSgt Rodney K. Prouty]
An AGM-119A Penguin anti-ship missile is mounted on the pylon of RNoAF F-16A block 15 #685 from 331 skv during testing of the missile in the mid eighties. [USAF photo]
An AGM-119A Penguin anti-ship missile is mounted on the pylon of RNoAF F-16A block 15 #685 from 331 skv during testing of the missile in the mid eighties. [USAF photo]
RNoAF F-16AM #288 is spotted on the flightline at Leeuwarden AB on July 13th, 2004 during an exercise. [Photo by Stacey Kort]
RNoAF F-16A block 5 #280 seen waiting for delivery at the Fokker facility. On June 2nd, 1981 this aircraft was written off after a bird-strike over Lake Tunhovd, with less then a year of service. [Photo by Ed Groenendijk]
RNlAF F-16A block 5 #283 of skv 332 seen at the flightline of the RIAT 1983 at RAF Greenham Common. This aircraft was written off on January 31th, 1983 after hitting some power cables. [Photo by Ed Groenendijk]