
Crew Chief Profiles

  MSgt. Chris Lemonds

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Name MSgt. Chris Lemonds
Unit 78th Fighter Squadron "Bushmasters"
Crewing F-16s
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I have been on F-16's my whole career. I started in 1995 with Shaw with the 78 FS, moved to the Kun and the 35 FS. I loved Shaw, but really hard to choose a favorite assignment. I really enjoyed the 78 FS and worked with some awesome people. I can defiinitely say the same for the Kun. I moved from the 35 FS to the 523 FS at Cannon. That is really a bad assignment, but I definitely learned more there than anywhere else in my career and we had some great people too as well as some great supervision. I volunteered for Korea again to get out of Cannon and ended up in the 80 FS. This again was a great assignment, and had some great people. From there I went to Nellis and the Thunderbirds. I met some really good friends there. From there, went to Aviano and the 510 FS. Started expediting there, and loved it, one of my favorite jobs. Had some really tough times there, including the whole Super Squadron thing, the worst idea I have ever seen. But, hard to beat Italy. I once again volunteered for Korea again, and ended up back in the 80 FS. Saw several people I was there with the first time. I was able to do the Pro Super thing there, and loved it very much. Had an assignment to Spangdahlem, but 2 months out, it got changed to Ramstein, where I am working at the 3 AF A-staff. Not a huge fan, kind of boring for me, but I am learning some more of the big picture.


I could have picked almost any of my assignments, only depends on what aspect I think of as far as which is my favorite.

My Jets & Assignments

92907 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 78th Fighter Squadron "Bushmasters" [Unit History]
Period 1995 - 1997
Current: 92907   USAF 55 FS F-16C Block 50 [ w/o]
I did the acceptance from the factory on this jet, and had an outstanding DCC, Jamie cabral. It was a great jet.
88402 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 35th Fighter Squadron "Pantons" [Unit History]
Period 1997 - 1998
Current: 88402   USAF 93 FS F-16C Block 30 [ act]
First jet as a DCC, and with an awesome assistant DCC.
86287 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders" [Unit History]
Period 1998 - 2001
Current: 86287   USAF 120 FS F-16C Block 30 [ act]
Was a dirty pig, but flew Code 1. Broke hard on the ground though.
86308 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 80th Fighter Squadron "Juvats" [Unit History]
Period 2001 - 2002
Current: 86-0308   USAF AMARC F-16C Block 30 [ sto]
87329 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit USAF - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" [Unit History]
Period 2002 - 2003
Current: 87329   USAF 82 TRW F-16C Block 32 [ i/a]
87303 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit USAF - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" [Unit History]
Period 2003 - 2003
Current: 87303   F-16C Block 32 [ scr]
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