Crew Chief Profiles

Create your own profile

I'm already registered on

You're good to go - click here to create your profile.

I'm not yet registered on

In that case, you have to register first. It's easy and free!

    Why Register?
  • To allow you to change your own profile after you have created it
  • To allow other people to send you a message through (your former squadron buddies for example)

What's a crew chief profile?

A crew chief profile is an illustrated overview of your career. You can add:

  • The jets you worked on (we will automatically add a photograph and current status)
  • The units you were assigned to (we will automatically add the patch)
  • Your comments about these jets and units (we will automatically display them in our aircraft database as well)
  • Deployments you participated in

Your crew chief profile also provides a contact address on, so your long-lost buddies can get in touch with you. We don't display your e-mail address, we will simply notify you when a message has arrived on for you. This way, there's no danger of spam or unsollicited E-mails in your inbox!

Your comments displayed on your jet's history page
We will also automatically display your comments in our F-16 Aircraft Database, which contains a detailed history of all (well, almost all) F-16s.

Tips and examples

In the "My Profile" section, you can select your favourite or current unit - the patch will be displayed automatically. You can also link to your own website. Finally, we will automatically add a "Send me a Private Message" link. This allows your former squadron buddies to contact you through This is an contact link, so we don't display your E-mail address; you will simply get an E-mail from to notify you when someone wants to contact you.

You can edit your own profile at any time, by using the "Edit My Profile" link.

You can enter two types of "histories", with or without jet. If you select a serial number, then a short history and photo (when available) of that specific aircraft will be automatically added to your profile. If you don't specify a serial number, then the unit badge will be displayed. This is usefull for assignments where you weren't crewing a specific jet.

There's an "other comments" field where you can list non-F-16 assignements.

Your comments about the jets you worked on will automaitcally be displayed on that aircraft's detailed hisotry page in our F-16 Aircraft Database.