
Crew Chief Profiles

  TSgt. Brad Irwin

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Name TSgt. Brad Irwin
Unit 39th Flight Test Squadron
Crewing F-16s from 1999 until 2005
Contact birwin353 Send me a private message
I started out at Eglin in test side. Stayed there till they kicked me out and sent me to Kunsan. Did my year in the 80th and played the EQUAL listing and lost. It came up Cannon or Holloman. I picked the less of two evils and worked the F-117's. Well the F-117's retired and the AF figgured that 117's and F-22's were the same so they sent us all to Langley. Currently I'm working Phase (or what they subsituted for phase) on the 22. Its different, Ive never needed a computer to put external power on a jet before.

Current or Favourite assignment

My first unit, My first jet, you always remember your first!

My Jets & Assignments

87353 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 39th Flight Test Squadron [Unit History]
Period 1999 - 2004
Current: 87353   USAF 40 FLTS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
My first and favorite jet. I crewed her through the full first portion of the conformal fuel tank tests. From when she had just the dummy shapes on, through the Peace Zena III tests with the full comformals, 600 gal wing tanks and lazer guided bombs. Talk about some hot brakes, she blew thermal plugs regularly, they liked to fly her with externals full with lockout keys installed and safty wired in. For eglin guys this is SOP but with 3k extra fuel with conformals it was a problem. Now she has a switch in the cockpit to lock out externals.
79417 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 40th Flight Test Squadron [Unit History]
Period 1999 - 2004
Current:   F-16B Block 5 [ scr]
POS that Eglin got from the guard. It took us 6 months to get this thing to fly after we accepted it. I was DCC on her for about a year before they sent her to the grave. I hate busses.
86270 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 80th Fighter Squadron "Juvats" [Unit History]
Period 2004 - 2005
Current: 86-0270   USAF AMARC F-16C Block 30 [ sto]
I would say she was my jet but she is just a whore and has a new DCC every year. She was the 80th squadron bird. I never got to work her but by ADCC did a pretty good job.
F-117 Nighthawk
Unit 9th Fighter Squadron Tail# 786
Period 2005 - 2008
Worked the line for about a year long enough to learn that I dont know s@#t about the F-117. Promptly went to MOC after that. MOC was so great!! I highly recomend it.
F-22 Raptor
Unit Langley AFB
Period 2008 -
Working F-22 phase. I know F-22 dosent have a phase but how else are you going to explain PMP to a bunch of F-16 guys?
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