
Crew Chief Profiles

  TSgt. Daniel " Country" May

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Name TSgt. Daniel May
Unit 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards"
Crewing F-16s
Contact mayd76 Send me a private message
Aviano was by far my best assignment. The people there made it awesome. I worked the F-117 for a year and a half, it just was not the same as the Viper! I went to Hill AFB, Utah and had a great time. The local area was nice, the work was OK, and the snowboarding and hunting was AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!

Current or Favourite assignment

The 510th was special because of the talent of the NCOs and the dedication of the people. I would not be the person that I am today without those guys...Bootie, Brew, Mark, Paul, Corey, AZ, Gunny, Stu, and the rest, you know who you are!!!!!!!!!!! I once heard a dude say "All this fun, adventure, and a paycheck? How could you beat it?"


I've been around for the last 10 years: UK times 2, Croatia, Germany, Azores, Newfoundland, Kuwait, Turkey, Mexico, Chile, Italy, Belgium, Canada, Sicily, Austria, Spain, and Sardegnia

My Jets & Assignments

87355 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" [Unit History]
Period 1998 - 1998
Current: 87355   USAF 510 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
Old 87-0355 this will probably ring a bell for some of you oldies. This was a landing gear PIG for a while....Hey, it taught me how to troubleshoot!!!
89001 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" [Unit History]
Period 1998 - 2000
Current: 89001   USAF 555 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
This was the best time of my AF career! I crewed the best jet in AF inventory and had an awesome DCC. Aviano was the best base in USAF and I got to meet the President following Operation Allied Force. I could not have asked for a better aircraft, unit, or supervisor. The work was tough and never-ending, but very rewarding!
89137 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" [Unit History]
Period 2000 - 2001
Current: 89137   USAF 555 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
This aircraft was Special! It had three ACES during the Bosnia Campaigns while still assigned to Ramstein AB, Germany. It became the 31OG Flagship and I was chosen as the DCC. It was my first assignment as a DCC. I could not ask for a better aircraft. It was one of the high-flyers in Allied Force. There is a cool nose-art picture from this jet on the 510 FS webpage. Thanks to all the Aviano guys that taught me so much!!!!!!!!!!
89001 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 510th Fighter Squadron "Buzzards" [Unit History]
Period 2001 - 2002
Current: 89001   USAF 555 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
Visitor Comments
Wyoming Boy
DeGrawR, Feb 20, 2008 - 03:31 PM


I am glad to see your still in and making the most of your career. I just put almost 25 years behind me and am working civil service now.

Look me up on the lgobal


Buzzards Rule!!!

Sup dude....
sciafer, Feb 20, 2008 - 07:39 PM

Glad to hear your doing great!! hit me up when around aviano.....working LM still in Italy.


ERjbDcmia, Jun 20, 2024 - 01:00 AM


komuhMHJEDA, Jun 26, 2024 - 05:50 AM


lZsPXYVdQzC, Jun 28, 2024 - 02:59 AM


JDUkuiHVAgne, Jul 26, 2024 - 12:47 AM


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