
Crew Chief Profiles

  SSgt. Matt Snider

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Name SSgt. Matt Snider
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders"
Crewing F-16s
Contact snide88101 Send me a private message
Worked A-10's in phase at Osan

Current or Favourite assignment

523 FS Had some great TDY's, and made alot of good friends


OSW 2000 and 2001/02
Combat Archer
Combat Hammer
Red Flag
Air Warrior

My Jets & Assignments

87227 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders" [Unit History]
Period 1999 - 2004
Current: 87227   USAF 120 FS F-16C Block 30 [ act]
First one with my name on it
87272 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders" [Unit History]
Period 1999 - 2004
Current: 87272   USAF 119 FS F-16C Block 30 [ act]
Got hit by a cop car while owned by the TX guard. I was told by my pilot that the maintainers laughed and cheered when it left TX. Found out it had a 3 yr history of CADC bus fails from said cop car. Avionics found that the guard guys rigged the AOA probes about 180 degrees off on one and 75 degrees off on the other. Once they rerigged it, she turned into a Code 1, High flying machine. Was the only DCC A1C at Cannon when I got her. They had to hide my name on the DCC list that went to the Col. for like 4 moths while I waited to sew on which was kinda cool.
86303 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders" [Unit History]
Period 1999 - 2004
Current: 86303   USAF 64 AGRS F-16C Block 30 [ act]
Commanders jet that I couldn't do anything on to make it look like one. No chrome, no polish, nothing due to a sorry SMO
Unit 36th Fighter Squadron "Flying Fiends" [History]
Period 2004 - 2005
Worked the phase dock at Osan.
91377 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 77th Fighter Squadron "Gamblers" [Unit History]
Period 2005 - 2006
Current: 91377   USAF 77 FS F-16C Block 50 [ act]
Another Commanders Jet. Got off that one quick. That jet is the biggest pig I ever worked on, and I worked Tripple Cripple 86-0333. Those who have worked it know what I'm talking about.
94040 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 77th Fighter Squadron "Gamblers" [Unit History]
Period 2006 - 2007
Current: 94040   USAF 77 FS F-16C Block 50 [ act]
Decent jet, nothing to brag about
Unit 1st squadron [History]
Period 2007 -
Working on the Block 60, good jet to work. Alot of CFT R&I's
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