
Crew Chief Profiles

  Sgt.Maj. Francesco " Jeff Hollywood" Bianco

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Name Sgt.Maj. Francesco Bianco
Unit 18 gruppo "Brandy"
Crewing F-16s
Contact jeffsaverio Send me a private message
First Aircraft I crewd was The F 104 S thru the F104 M which was the last up date version.
In a while I`ve meet the G91 Fiat Y qualification and PA 200 Tornado as crew chief.
Hydraulic,structure,crew chief and fuel on the F-16 A/B are mine latest qualification either engine run.

Current or Favourite assignment

I love work on any kind of aircraft


Actually I1m the Italian Dock chief on the totally flot of F-16 A/B models in Italian Air force

My Jets & Assignments

Unit 18 gruppo "Brandy" [History]
Period 2003 - 2007
I`ve got too many jets F-16s assignet to track per each a story.What i say about them are...we get so far into 300 hour phase and I`ve got with my team a really hard time change lots of overdue items. Lucky 2470 tcto as finished yhaa
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