
Crew Chief Profiles

  SSgt. Vicki Lewis

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Name SSgt. Vicki Lewis
Unit 80th Fighter Squadron "Juvats"
Crewing F-16s from 1980 until 1986
Contact Ladisymthe357 Send me a private message
I was in Crash & Recovery (Repair & Reclaimation) for a few months when I first hit Edwards. I proceded to go to F-16's after that.

My first F-16 was 75-0745 at Edwards AFB. I was also the first crew chief to crew the LANTRIN 80-0635 project for SMSGT Ken Gallager at Edwards AFB. I was a Airman on 75-0745 and SRA on 80-0635 LANTRIN. I went down to Eglin AFB Flordia from Dec 81 thru Feb 82.(I beleive the years are correct . Its been a LONG time since then.) We were in the climatic lab at -50 degress testing a hydralic fluid. We also had a F-15 in there with ours. Dave Sauber was my eng run crew chief and I was ground crew chief. If you look up 79-0402, it shows the jet in the lab. That was an experience that I will never forget. Dang it was cold in there!!

I went to crew ALCM F-4's at Edwards AFB. I dont remember what my tail number was at Eddie's(294 I think.)

I then went to Kunsan AB ROK for a year. PACAF 8th TFW , 80th squadron Juvat's. WHAT a blast that was.

When I came back stateside I was assigned to 318 FIS Mc Chord AFB, Washington.

Current or Favourite assignment

Kunsan AB was one of the most kick ass time I have ever had. Going through cellrells and hot pit refuel at Kwang AB . I have tried to remember my acft number. It escapes me. Must have been all those trips to A Town and the brain cell's I killed. One of the most memorable things at the Kun was the Death March. If you dont know what that was. After the coax cabs and the last smoker bus left A town. The only ride back to base was a Kimchi Cab. They were not allowed on base, Soooo you had to walk to you dorm from the gate. They were building the new dorms when I left so our dorms were by the post office (if it is still in the same place, much farther from the gate). That made for some very intersting walks in the middle of the night.


1980-1985 Edwards AFB
F-16 Crew Chief (75-0745, 80-0635, 79-402)
F-4 Crew Chief #294

Kunsan AB ROK
F-16 Crew Chief
Job Control Flight Board Controller

Mc Chord AFB
F-15 Crew Chief.

My Jets & Assignments

75745 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 6516th Test Squadron [Unit History]
Period -
Current: 75745   F-16A [ i/a]
GE F-101 engine was tested in the bird.
80635 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 6516th Test Squadron [Unit History]
Period -
Current: AAFG0507   USAF AMARC F-16B Block 15 [ sto]
This acft was the LANTRIN test acft.
79402 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit N/A
Period -
Current: 79402   F-16A Block 10 [ pre]
Thsi bird was the acft we tested the hydralic fluid at -50 degrees at Eglin AFB FL.
F-4 Phantom II
Unit OMS
Period -
This acft's tail # was 294. (I think) It was used in the ACLM tests.
Unit 80th Fighter Squadron "Juvats" [History]
Period 1985 - 1986
I dont remember my tail number from the assignment at the KUN. I was a JUVAT 80th. WOLFPACK
F-15 Eagle
Unit 318th FIS Mc Chord AFB
Period 1986 - 1988
I was only an assist crew chief here. My then husband and I were both crew chief's. I was pregnant with my daughter and they pulled me off the line. I worked in the tool room and I was put in charge of the Tec Orders for the base. (Oh joy :P )If I remember there was somthing 1700 somethiing TO's Including the T-33's on the base.
Visitor Comments
Vicki Lewis
Teri Shepard, Aug 26, 2009 - 04:35 AM

trying to locate Vicki Lewis I was stationed with her and Paul at the time,,, in 318th at McChord,, drop me a line Vicki

Looking for Vicki
Teri Shepard, Aug 26, 2009 - 04:37 AM

Teri Shepard drop me a line Vicki,, miss ya gal

ihVMIfEPgK, Jun 24, 2024 - 05:28 PM


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