
Crew Chief Profiles

  SSgt. Robert " Big Pev" Pevoroff

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Name SSgt. Robert Pevoroff
Unit 388th Fighter Wing
Crewing F-16s from 2003 until 2008
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Hill AFB, UT 2003-2008, crewed ACFT's 88-0509, 90-0782, 88-0516, 90-0753, and 89-2176. Separated from the USAF in 2011 and will be accepting a job for AMMROC crewing UAEAF Vipers in Jan 2013.

My Jets & Assignments

88509 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 421st Fighter Squadron "Black Widows" [Unit History]
Period 2003 - 2004
Current: 88-0509   F-16C Block 40 [ i/a]
My first assigned ACFT
90782 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 421st Fighter Squadron "Black Widows" [Unit History]
Period 2005 - 2007
Current: 90782   USAF 8 FS F-16D Block 40 [ act]
My second ACFT in which I became DCC. Lost this jet to the 34th Rams.
88516 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 421st Fighter Squadron "Black Widows" [Unit History]
Period 2007 - 2007
Current: 88516   USAF 510 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
This jet came back from a nasty accident in '03 with ACFT 88-0421, which is also back in service.
90753 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 421st Fighter Squadron "Black Widows" [Unit History]
Period 2007 - 2007
Current: 90753   USAF 54 FG F-16C Block 40 [ act]
After losing 88-0516 to the 4th Fuujins, I was assigned to this ACFT. Code 1 machine in Vegas.
89176 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 421st Fighter Squadron "Black Widows" [Unit History]
Period 2007 - 2008
Current: 89176   USAF 309 FS F-16D Block 40 [ act]
My final assigned jet before leaving for Korea.
Unit 366th Fighter Wing [History]
Period 2009 - 2011
ACFT 87-0208 - Took over as DCC in Sept 2009 when I put on SSgt. She was a good jet except for the fact that it loved to break for either hydraulic or electrical problems. When I would crew her, she came down Code 1 about 90% of the time. Any other crew dawg, all the time would break it.
Other aircraft/assignments Jun 2009-Aug 2011 - Stationed at Mountain Home AFB, ID crewing the F-15E Strike Eagle (a.k.a ultimate P.O.S) in the former F-16 squadron, the 389th AMU Thunderbolts. Did not like crewing the aircraft nor was the production/supervision any better. Will never crew an F-15 again.
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