F-16 Reference

F-16 Aircraft Database

Israel Defense Force / Air Force F-16 Mission Marks

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Found 32 aircraft, displaying 16-30 [Sorted by Unit and FY/n]
Local S/N AF/Unit Aircraft Name Marked Date Details
138 IDFAF 116 sqn 78-0325 Mar 2003 Details
Kill marking applied years after the actual kill.
267 IDFAF 116 sqn 80-0651 Mar 2003 Details
Wears a kill marking.
272 IDFAF 116 sqn 80-0653 Mar 2003 Details
Wears one and a half kill markings.
112 IDFAF 117 sqn 78-0314 "Ra'am" 19 Jul 1980 Details
First air-to-air victory

History was made when Israel's youngest pilot, Lieutenant Rafi of 117 Squadron scored the first kill with an F-16 on April 28th, 1981. The victory was against one of two Mil-8s which had entered into Israeli held territory. A missile was fired but missed. The kill came when Rafi switched to guns and made a second run. Wears 1 kill marking.
252 IDFAF 117 sqn 78-0347 "Keshet" 27 May 1981 Details
Wears 1 kill marking.
111 IDFAF 140 sqn 78-0313 May 2000 Details
2 kill markings from when the aircraft was with the 117 Squadron.
118 IDFAF 140 sqn 78-0318 Unknown Details
Wears 1 kill marking.
223 IDFAF 140 sqn 78-0329 Feb 2004 Details
Wears 1 kill marking.
243 IDFAF 140 sqn 78-0342 Apr 2004 Details
Syrian kill and Operation Opera mission marking added years after the events.
272 IDFAF 140 sqn 80-0653 Mar 2013 Details
Wears one and a half kill markings.
107 IDFAF 253 sqn 78-0311 Unknown Details
Nuclear Reactor Kill

This Israeli F-16A aircraft was the second of eight aircraft to drop its bombs on the Osirak reactor in Iraq, during the June 1981 attack. It wore 6.5 Syrian kill markings, and an Operation Opera "nuclear reactor" kill mark.
126 IDFAF 253 sqn 78-0321 Unknown Details
Wears 1 kill marking.
220 IDFAF 253 sqn 78-0327 04 May 2000 Details
Wears 1 kill marking.
232 IDFAF 253 sqn 78-0334 Unknown Details
Wears 1 kill marking.
246 IDFAF 253 sqn 78-0343 Unknown Details
Wears 1 kill marking.

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Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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