
Viper Driver Flying Hours

  Col. Thomas King (Ret.)

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Viper Driver

Name Col. Thomas King (Ret.)
Unit N/A
Flying F-16s
Viper Hours 2737
Commander of Detachment 1 of the AFRC at Shaw AFB, South Carolina.

Retired in October of 2003 after serving thirty-seven years in the Air Force. He flew 124 combat missions in the Vietnam War, flying the F-4, F-105, A-7D, and the O-1. Thirty-four years later, he flew combat sorties in an F-16 in Operation Northern Watch. All told, he accumulated 988 combat missions with 1790 combat hours in F-4, F-105, A-7D, F-16, A/OA-10, O-1 and U-17 during Deny Flight, Joint Endeavour, Southern Watch, Allied Force and accumulated 2,737 total hours in the F-16. King's last F-16 flight occurred the day before his sixtieth birthday. He is believed to be the oldest operational F-16 pilot.

F-16 Flying Hours

2,000 Hours # 620 on the 2K list
Unit N/A
Date unknown
Comment King?s last F-16 flight occurred the day before his sixtieth birthday. He is believed to be the oldest operational F-16 pilot.
1,000 Hours # 750 on the 1K list
Unit N/A
Date unknown

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