
Viper Driver Flying Hours

  Lt.Col. Ronald K. Rosepink (Ret.)

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Viper Driver

Name Lt.Col. Ronald K. Rosepink (Ret.)
Unit N/A
Flying F-16s
Viper Hours 2000
Lt. Col. Ron Rosepink had 2000+ hours in the F-16 before he disappeared during a motorglider flight in the California desert during the summer of 2003.

Ron Rosepink, an Air Force test pilot, was last seen June 28 paragliding above the treetops on Black Mountain near Tehachapi, about two hours north of Los Angeles. He likely died from injuries he suffered in the crash or by falling down the steep mountainside on Black Mountain. His body has still not been found.

Rosepink, a lieutenant colonel in the Air Force Reserve, had been flying F-16s out of Edwards Air Force Base.

March 15, 2005: Searchers found the remains of a glider and human body in a dying patch of brush. The body was only about a half mile from the Tehachapi Bowl paraglider launch site where Rosepink's vehicle was originally found, searchers said. A skull discovered by hikers led coroner's officials to tentatively identify the body of a paraglider missing since 2003.

F-16 Flying Hours

2,000 Hours # 605 on the 2K list
Unit N/A
Date unknown
1,000 Hours # 69 on the 1K list
Unit N/A
Date unknown

Flying Hours on other aircraft

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