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F-16 Pilot Flying Hours

Submit your profile

Please note: Your flying hours will be reviewed by an editor and will usually appear on within 24-96 hours.
Before you submit a new profile, please check whether the pilot is not already in our database using the search function!
For updating existing profiles, please don't use this input form but send the updated info via our contact/feedback system.
Thank you for submitting, and many happy landings!

Your last name
Last Name 
Your first name
First Name 
Your Rank
Your callsign (optional)
Check if you are retired
Your Air Force:
Total number of flying hours on the F-16
Your favourite or current assignment: (unit patch will be displayed in your profile - optional)
The year (YYYY, e.g. 1999) you first started flying the F-16 (Optional)
The year (YYYY, e.g. 1999) you last flew an F-16 (Optional, leave blank if you're still a Viper Driver)
Short bio (optional)
Tell us something more about the deployments you were involved in: (Optional)
If you have a story about a specific F-16, please select the aircraft serial number below (photo will be displayed - optional)
F-16 Aircraft   
Story about the aircraft you selected above
F-16 Aircraft Story 
Please provide some details and stories on on your 1,000 hour milestones.
1,000 F-16 Flying Hours
Check this box if you have reached 1,000 flying hours on the F-16
Date of 1,000 hour flight: (please enter at least the year - month and day are optional)
1K Date
F-16 Unit you were assigned to when you reached this milestone: (optional - if not listed, use the comment field below)
1K F-16 Unit 
Share an interesting story about this flight or this assignment:
1K Comment 
2,000 F-16 Flying Hours
Check this box if you have reached 2,000 flying hours on the F-16
Date of 2,000 hour flight: (please enter at least the year - month and day are optional)
2K Date
F-16 Unit you were assigned to when you reached this milestone: (optional - if not listed, use the comment field below)
2K F-16 Unit 
Share an interesting story about this flight or this assignment:
2K Comment 
3,000 F-16 Flying Hours
Check this box if you have reached 3,000 flying hours on the F-16
Date of 3,000 hour flight: (please enter at least the year - month and day are optional)
3K Date
F-16 Unit you were assigned to when you reached this milestone: (optional - if not listed, use the comment field below)
3K F-16 Unit 
Share an interesting story about this flight or this assignment:
3K Comment 
4,000 F-16 Flying Hours
Check this box if you have reached 4,000 flying hours on the F-16
Date of 4,000 hour flight: (please enter at least the year - month and day are optional)
4K Date
F-16 Unit you were assigned to when you reached this milestone: (optional - if not listed, use the comment field below)
4K F-16 Unit 
Share an interesting story about this flight or this assignment:
4K Comment 
5,000 F-16 Flying Hours
Check this box if you have reached 5,000 flying hours on the F-16
Date of 5,000 hour flight: (please enter at least the year - month and day are optional)
5K Date
F-16 Unit you were assigned to when you reached this milestone: (optional - if not listed, use the comment field below)
5K F-16 Unit 
Share an interesting story about this flight or this assignment:
5K Comment 
6,000 F-16 Flying Hours
Check this box if you have reached 6,000 flying hours on the F-16
Date of 6,000 hour flight: (please enter at least the year - month and day are optional)
6K Date
F-16 Unit you were assigned to when you reached this milestone: (optional - if not listed, use the comment field below)
6K F-16 Unit 
Share an interesting story about this flight or this assignment:
6K Comment 
Other aircraft you flew (leave blank if none):
Aircraft Type #1
Aircraft type
Other Aircraft 
Number of flying hours on this type
Other Aircraft Hours 
Share an interesting story or comments about your experience with this aircraft type
Aircraft Type #2
Aircraft type
Other Aircraft 
Number of flying hours on this type
Other Aircraft Hours 
Share an interesting story or comments about your experience with this aircraft type
Aircraft Type #3
Aircraft type
Other Aircraft 
Number of flying hours on this type
Other Aircraft Hours 
Share an interesting story or comments about your experience with this aircraft type
Other Aircraft Types
List any other aircraft types you've flown (with the number of hours), and wel'' add it for you!
Other Comments 