Mirror manouvre of the Thunderbirds demo team at the August 2003 air show, Chicago, IL. [Photo by Mark Bergnerm]
Magnificent "under" shot of a Thunderbirds four-ship [USAF photo]
Perfectly aligned USAF Thunderbirds on the Nellis ramp [USAF photo]
A tight formation of USAF Thunderbirds F-16s going over the top during a looping [USAF photo]
Line-up of the USAF Thunderbirds at Nellis AFB during Aviation Nation 2003, celebrating the Thunderbirds' Homecoming [Photo by Daniel PerezVertti]
Line-up of the USAF Thunderbirds at Nellis AFB during Aviation Nation 2003, celebrating the Thunderbirds' Homecoming [Photo by Daniel PerezVertti]
Wright Flyer replica taxiing past a line-up of the USAF Thunderbirds at Nellis AFB during Aviation Nation 2003, celebrating the Thunderbirds' Homecoming [Photo by Daniel PerezVertti]
High-speed fly-by of a USAF Thunderbird F-16 during Aviation Nation 2003 at Nellis AFB [Photo by Daniel PerezVertti]
High-speed fly-by of the USAF Thunderbirds solo during Aviation Nation 2003 at Nellis AFB [Photo by Daniel PerezVertti]
High-speed inverted fly-by of a USAF Thunderbird F-16 during Aviation Nation 2003 at Nellis AFB [Photo by Daniel PerezVertti]
Thunderbirds line-up at the Edwards AFB open house in 2003 [Photo by Roger Kemp]
Thunderbirds at Nellis AFB Aviation Nation Nov 16, 2003 [Photo by
Larry Grace]
Thunderbirds at Nellis AFB Aviation Nation Nov 16, 2003 [Photo by
Larry Grace]
Thunderbirds at Nellis AFB Aviation Nation Nov 16, 2003 [Photo by
Larry Grace]
Thunderbird Landing [USAF photo]