177th FW (NJ ANG, Atlantic City) F-16C #84288 armed with wingtip Amraams and Sidewinders. Note the wingtip launchers are mounted slightly nose-down. [Photo by M. Passeri]
Two-ship USAF F-16A formation from the 114th TFTS, Oregon ANG over a wintery Crater Lake. The unit achieved IOC on the F-16 in 1989. [
LMTAS photo]
Colorado ANG F-16C #87-0254 with an Alabama ANG example in the background [Photo by Mike Kopack]
District of Columbia ANG (121st TFS) F-16A over Washington D.C. [Photo by Keith Jasons]
181st FW Indiana ANG F-16C Block 30 #85557 at Davis Monthan AFB in December 94, during the Snowbird Deployment [Photo by SSgt. David Cook]
Terre Haute F-16C Block 25 #85-1407 spotted at Davis Monthan AFB in October of 1996. [Photo by SSgt. David Cook]
F-16Cs of the 125FS, 138FG, Oklahoma ANG [
LMTAS photo]
Texas ANG 147th FG bird. [
LMTAS photo]
New Mexico 188th FS Falcons in their natural habitat. [
LMTAS photo]
A Bucaneros F-16A ADF #80589 form the Puerto Rico ANG at Red Flag 95-4. [F-16.net photo]
A boom operators view of a USAF F-16 ADF during aerial refueling from a KC-135. [Corel Photo CD photo]
South Dakota ANG F-16C Block 30 four-shipper flying over Mount Rushmore. [
LMTAS photo]
Mombo Flight: South Carolina Air National Guard F-16 (Tail 169) with 2 P-51's. [Photo by JP Elvis Reilly]
'The Pride of Siouxland': a golden F-16C #85-1565 from the 174th FS at Sioux City. [Photo by Mike Kopack]
F-16C #88534 from the Iowa ANG at take-off [Photo by Joe Oliva]