USAF F-16C block 42 #88-0472 assigned to the 312th TFTS is spotted on the Luke AFB ramp in April of 1990. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 42 #88-0502 assigned to the 312th TFTS is parked on the ramp at Luke AFB. This is the way the single seaters were normally configured for air to ground training at Luke units during a 'B' course. There was a SUU-20 mounted on station 3 and 7 MAU-12 racks and a 300 gallon centerline tank. A 'B' course was the primary training in the F-16 for a pilot just graduating UPT with no prior fighter experience. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 42 #88-0169 of the 312th TFTS is stationed on the 'Scorpion' ramp at Luke AFB in October of 1990. This is the way the two seaters were normally configured for air to ground training at Luke units during a 'B' course. There was a SUU-20 mounted on station 3 and 7 MAU-12 racks and a two 370 tanks mounted on station 4 and 6. There was a captive training AIM-9L/M on either station 1 or 9. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 42 #89-2161 assigned to the 312th TFTS is parked on the ramp at Luke AFB in January of 1991. Note the ASHM (Aft Seat HUD Monitor) on the rear instrument panel glareshield. This is the way the two seaters were normally configured for air to air training at Luke units during a 'B' course. There was a captive AIM-9L/M missile on station 1 or 9 as well as a 300 gallon centerline tank. Due to the installation of the rear seat, the F-16B/D had less internal fuel than the F-16A/C's and would normally fly ACM missions with a centerline tank. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 25 #85-1433 assigned to the 314th TFTS is seen on the flightline at Luke AFB waiting for another assignment. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 5 #78-0051 assigned to the 61st TFTS based at MacDill AFB seen taxiing in from a flight in October of 1982. These jets were on loan for the Luke AFB's 58th TTW transition from F-4C's to F-16A/B's. These were maintenance trainers to get the maintenance troops up-to-speed on working on the F-16 aircraft and systems. They had to be flown every three weeks so they did not get on the dreaded TAC 'Hangar Queen' list. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 30 #87-0345 assigned to the 62nd TFTS based at MacDill AFB and seen taxiing out of Luke AFB's transient ramp in June of 1992. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 10 #80-0510 assigned to the 63rd TFTS based at MacDill AFB and seen at Luke AFB in December of 1987. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 10 #79-0297 assigned to the 72nd TFTS home based at MacDill AFB and seen transient with opened canopy at Luke AFB in July of 1984. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16B block 10 #80-0623 assigned to the 72nd TFTS based at MacDill AFB and photographed at Luke AFB in April of 1986. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 42 #90-0730 assigned to the 310th FS is seen taxiing back to the ramp for some reason at Luke AFB on October 11th, 1996. This aircraft carries two live Mk.84 2000lb bombs on the station 3 and 7 MAU-12 racks. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 42 #89-2170 assigned to the 310th FS taxi's out for a training mission at Luke AFB on October 11th, 1996. The jet carries a TGM-65D IR training missile on station 3, a SUU-20 full of BDU-33's on station 7 and the LANTIRN AN/AAQ-13 navigation pod on the left intake hardpoint and the AN/AAQ-14 targeting pod on the right hardpoint as well as 370 gallon external tanks on stations 4 and 6. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 25 #84-1219 assigned to the 62d FS taxis out for a morning BFM ride at Luke AFB on October 11th, 1996. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 42 #90-0778 assigned to the 63rd FS is spotted on the Luke AFB ramp in October of 1993. The MiG kill marking was later reduced in size. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 42 #89-2179 transferred from Nellis to the 308th FS taxiing out for a mission at Luke AFB in March of 1993. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]