USAF F-16C block 25 #85-1425 seen as the 314th TFTS Commander's aircraft on the ramp at Luke AFB. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 25 #84-1314 from the 314th FS painted as the Commander's jet is taxiing out for takeoff at Luke AFB. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 25 #83-1175 now assigned to the 314th TFTS 'Warhawks' spotted on the ramp at Luke AFB in the very early 90s. After the 312th TFTS transitioned to block 42 F-16s, this aircraft was transferred to the 314th. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 25 #83-1121 seen as the 312th TFTS Commander's aircraft on the ramp at Luke AFB. This was the first F-16C assigned to a USAF operational unit, thus the 'F-16C No.1' on the fuselage sides. Ironically, it is parked next to #83-1118, the first production F-16C. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 25 #83-1121 on delivery date of December 7th, 1984 as the first F-16C delivered to an operational unit. This was the first aircraft accepted by the 312th TFTS seen on the Luke AFB ramp right after the acceptance ceremony as they were going to paint commander's markings on the jet. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 25 #83-1118 from the 312th TFTS on the Luke AFB ramp. This aircraft carries 'F-16C No.1' on the fuselage sides. It has a right to as it really was the first F-16C built. F-16C #83-1121 also carried this marking but it was the first F-16C ever delivered to an operational unit. When the first Block 25 aircraft were delivered to Luke AFB, amongst much pomp and sircumstance, 83-1118 was still performing flight test duties at Edwards AFB. It was delivered to Luke several months later. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16D block 25 #83-1175 from the 312th TFTS on the 'Scorpions' ramp at Luke AFB. This aircraft was delivered on December 7th, 1984 with #83-1121 in a big ceremony. Aircraft carried 'F-16D No.1' on the fuselage sides since they were the first aircraft to be delivered to an operational USAF unit. F-16D #83-1174 was the first F-16D built actually. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 10 #79-0332 from the 72nd TFTS is photographed at McDill AFB and used as a training aircraft to familiarize the 58th TTW for their transition from the F-4C to F-16A/B aircraft. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 15 #81-0667 from the 425th FS is the Commander's jet spotted at Luke AFB. The 425th FS was the Peace Carvin Singapore Air Force training detachment at Luke AFB. After the first deployment of the 'new build' block 15's for Singapore were sent 'home', it was decided to have a training detachement at Luke dedicated to training Singaporean AF pilots. These block-15's were the only block 15's assigned to Luke AFB. These were ex 'Thunderbirds' aircraft that were leased to Singapore. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 10 #79-0311 assigned as the 311th TFTS Commander's jet at Luke AFB. A lot of units try to have a jet with a matching aircraft serial number to the unit designation for use as the commander's jet. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 5 #78-0026 from the 311th TFTS is photographed on the ramp at Luke AFB. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16B block 1 #78-0096 from the 311th TFTS is parked on the ramp at Luke AFB. [Photo by Kevin Patrcik]
USAF F-16C block 42 #88-0458 marked as the 311th TFTS Commanders jet is spotted on the ramp at Luke AFB. The 311th TFTS was assigned as part of the 58 TTW, at the time, and was gained by the Tactical Air Command. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16C block 42 #88-0458 now marked as the 311th FS Commander's jet. The wing designation was changed to the 58th FW and the aircraft now carries an ACC MAJCOM patch on the fin. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 5 #78-0015 from the 311th TFTS is coming in for landing at Luke AFB on February 15th, 1990. [
Airfighters.com photo by Henk Schuitemaker]