First F-16C Block 30B delivered to the Turkish AF (and built by Lockheed Forth Worth), #86-0066, flying over the Aya Sofia Mosque in Istanbul. [
LMTAS photo]
A Turkish F-16D taking in fuel form a KC-135 [TuAF photo]
Turkish F-16C Block-40 at Aviano AB in Italy during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish ground crew inspecting an AIM-9L Sidewinder on a TuAF F-16C Block 40, based at Aviano AB, Italy, during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16C Block 40 at Aviano AB in Italy during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16C Block 40 at Aviano AB in Italy during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16C Block 40 at Aviano AB in Italy during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16C Block 40 at Aviano AB in Italy. The aircraft, armed with two AIM-9 Sidewinders and two AIM-120 AMRAAMs is being readied for a CAP sortie during the KFOR/SFOR operations [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16C Block 40 at Aviano AB in Italy during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16C Block 40 at Aviano AB in Italy during the KFOR/SFOR missions [Photo by Turkhan "Pasha" Urfalýoglu]
Turkish F-16D #89-0043 from 162 Filo on finals for Florennes AB, Belgium, during a TLP exercise [
MilAviationPics photo]
TuAF F-16C #89-0032 from 141 Filo on final approach. [
MilAviationPics photo]
TuAF F-16C #90-0005 from 162 Filo on final aproach. [
MilAviationPics photo]
Two Turkish Alpha's, #86-0066 and # 86-0067, flying over Istanbul [TuAF photo]
TuAF F-16C block 50 #93-0689 from 192 Filo is sitting on the ramp waiting for the next flight. [
MilAviationPics photo]