RNlAF F-16B block 1 #J-263 from 323 sqn is passing a mobile tower at Leeuwarden AB in the early eighties. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-359 has the markings of 313 sqn. It crashed on September 23rd, 1992 while flying with the 314th sqn. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-616 of 311 sqn is on finals at Twenthe AB when this shot was taken. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-617 from the 311th sqn is ready for landing at Twenthe AB. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-621 from 311 sqn is waiting its turn to take off. Note a Starfighter is getting airborne. This marks the transition from the F-104G to the F-16. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-627 is ready to taxi to the runway. Although it lacks unit markings, it was with 311 sqn at the time of this photo. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-629 of 306 sqn is ready to leave after a thunderstorm hit the base. The aircraft crashed on April 15th, 1986. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-631 has no unit markings but is flying with the Orpheus recce pod so is with 306 sqn. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-635 is the first in a row of 306 sqn vipers ready to make some photographs. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-636 is reay on a nice summer evening to make a training flight from Volkel AB. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-638 is returning from a training flight at Volkel AB. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-646 has been a part of the 'Testgroep' for a major part of its life. This group tests new weapon configurations for the Dutch, clearly being shown here with a unique weapon outfit. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16A block 15 #J-646 from the 'testgroep' is ready to perform a test flight with an Orpheus recce pod. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16B block 15 #J-654 from 311 sqn has just taken off from Twenthe AB. [Michel Klaver collection]
RNlAF F-16B block 15 #J-654 from 311 sqn has just returned from a training sortie at Twenthe AB. [Michel Klaver collection]