RF-16D Demo bird. USAF F-16D block 25 #84-1330 was used for these test flights. [LMTAS photo]
My name is Rick Oestricher, I used to work in the Multimedia department at general Dynamics Fort Worth Division. I shot this photo out of the left gunner's window of a B-25 general Dynamics rented for the shoot. I used a Hasselblad 500CM. We used to rent B-25s for photo missions as they provided a number of unique shots (out the tail , down out of the bomb bay, etc.)
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News: F-16D from 61 FS belly lands on runway [2008-04-02]
An F-16D from the 61st Fighter Squadron slid down the runway with gear up at Gila Bend Auxiliary Field in Arizona on Wednesday morning at 09.10h local time after returning from a training mission.
Aircraft Database:
F-16 #84330
RF-16D test bed which ended on August 19th, 1986. The tail had the letters 'F-16 RECCE'.
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