Virtual F-16 Sqn Patches

  • aaa.jpg
    388th Virtual Fighter Wing (VFW) - based on the actual 388th Fighter Wing in Utah
  • aab.jpg
    Belgian Virtual Tigers (Herman Gerritsen collection)
  • aac.jpg
    Patch of virtual flightsim F-16 squadrons
  • aad.jpg
    87th Virtual Fighter Wing (Razor collection)
  • aae.jpg
    87th Virtual Fighter Wing (Razor collection)
  • aaf.gif
    Virtual Air Power .NL
  • aag.jpg
    Lowland Tiger Meet 2001 (Erwin Kenis Collection)
  • aah.jpg
    Lowland Tiger Meet 2002 (Erwin Kenis Collection)
  • aai.jpg
    Frugals World Pilots Patch
  • 391Aeolus.jpg
    391 VFS "Aeolus" (Official e-Hellenic Air Force)
  • 101nci_Filo.gif
    101rd VFS - "Bats" Turkish Virtual Air Force []
  • 102nci_Filo.gif
    102rd VFS - "Eagles" Turkish Virtual Air Force []
  • 320VSq.jpg
    320 Sqn INIOHOS (e-HAF) virtual squadron [ collection]
  • AF-Esc69.jpg
    Escuadrón 69 Ala Falcon patch - Spanish virtual squadron [www.Escuadrón 69. net collection]
  • logo_phpBB
    111th vSquadron - This is a spanish virtual fighter wing with 10 years of experience with the F16 in the sim Falcon 4.0 and BMS/OF and AF and RV/FF versions. The website is , check the ALA FALCON section to see the F16 missions and news.