The 308th FS graduates 18 pilots today from Class 12-AGB. From left: Capts. Jessa Charron, Justin Stimets and Sean Corrigan; 1st Lts. Kyle Davis, Matt Martenson, David Leedom, Wes Spurling, Sean Churchill and Tim Six; Capt. Patrick Stewart; 1st Lt. Bryan Mussler; Capt. Josh Kitchen; 1st Lts. Houston Pye, Phillip Wilson and Michelle Hamland; Capt. Paul Fulkerson; and 1st Lts. Evan Farren and Roy Poor. [USAF photo by Mandi Davis]
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News: 308th FS graduates 18 in class 12-AGB [2012-09-07]
The U.S. Air Force's newest Viper pilots will culminate nine months of demanding training today and receive their graduation certificates.
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