Fighter Jet News
F-16 Fighting Falcon News
Insight Into Civilian Hit by Other F-16's 20mm
June 10, 1998 (by
Lieven Dewitte) -
Air Combat Command has released the Accident Investigation Boardreport on an incident involving a 20mm F-16 bullet that struck an Air Force civilian September 11, 1997, near Grand Bay Weapons Range in Georgia.
According to the report, Mr. Don Knobloch and Mr. John Gullock, both members of the 347th Wing Environmental Flight at Moody Air Force Base, Ga., were driving on a government road two miles from the range when a 20mmbullet, fired from one of two Moody AFB F-16s practicing strafing tactics, passed through the passengers side window of their truck and lodged in Mr. Gullock's body. Mr. Gullock underwent surgery at South Georgia Medical Center and returned to work April 20. The Accident Investigation Board concluded that the incident occurred because the road on which the men were driving was not closed off during the strafing mission.
The weapons safety map used by range personnel did not indicate that the rounds could travel far enough to reach the road. Since the incident, new procedures have been implemented by the Air Force to prevent similar mishaps in the future.
The weapons safety map used by range personnel did not indicate that the rounds could travel far enough to reach the road. Since the incident, new procedures have been implemented by the Air Force to prevent similar mishaps in the future.
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