F-16 Reference

F-16 Aircraft Database

Airframe Details for F-16 #79-0394

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F-16 Aircraft Profile

Aircraft: 79-0394
LM Aero T/V 61-179
Plant General Dynamics
Local C/N
Delivered USAF 79394
F-16A Block 10B
Current USAF 79394
F-16A Block 10B
Status [scr]

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Aircraft History

Date Status Local S/N Airforce/Unit Version Name Info
15 Apr 1981 [act] 79394 F-16A Block 10B
17 Apr 1981 [act] 79394 USAF 428 TFS 'NA' F-16A Block 10B
Oct 1989 [act] 79394 USAF 138 TFS 'NY' F-16A Block 10B
Nov 1990 [act] 79394 USAF 138 TFS 'NY' F-16A Block 10B
Deployment: Desert Storm

15 Mar 1992 [act] 79394 USAF 138 FS 'NY' F-16A Block 10B
May 1994 [act] 79394 USAF 157 FS F-16A Block 10B
Jul 1994 [i/a] 79394 F-16A Block 10B
McEntire ANGB, South Carolina (BDR)
02 Mar 2003 [sto] AAFG0605 USAF AMARC F-16A Block 10B
Residing at AMARC for a number of years, but never alotted an inventory number. Finally assigned a storage number on June 24th, 2010.
19 Dec 2017 [scr] 79394 F-16A Block 10B
Scrapped at HFV West in Tucson.

Crew Chief Comments

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TSgt. Phil Sales

Crew Chief Profile
138th Fighter Squadron "Cobras" , 1989 - 1993
This is a Desert Storm Veteran. Flew itself Proud. Happilly I found my photo,showing "Boys From Syracuse" our slogan and history that was ripped from us due to Political Correctness. Unless things have changed, this tail number is on one side of the display model in the National Guard Bureau office in Wash.DC. I've added 2 Photos taken during Desert Storm. Glad to see it posted.

Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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