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Airframe Details for F-16 #84-1310

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F-16 Aircraft Profile

Aircraft: 84-1310
LM Aero T/V 5C-147
Plant General Dynamics
Local C/N
Delivered USAF 84310
F-16C Block 25E
Current TNIAU TS-1637
F-16C Block 25E
Status [act]

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Aircraft History

Date Status Local S/N Airforce/Unit Version Name Info
24 Mar 1986 [act] 84310 F-16C Block 25E
25 Mar 1986 [act] 84310 USAF 496 TFS 'HR' F-16C Block 25E
Dec 1986 [act] 84310 USAF 10 TFS 'HR' F-16C Block 25E
Nov 1988 [act] 84310 USAF 10 TFS 'HR' F-16C Block 25E
Special characteristics:
  • Unit Markings: 10 TFS
Jun 1991 [act] 84310 USAF 10 TFS 'HR' F-16C Block 25E " Sabre One"
Special characteristics:
  • Nose Art
  • Unit Markings: 10 TFS
This was the second aircraft to carry the Sabre One nose art. It is the commanders aircraft marked 10 TFS and was seen at the 1991 Paris air show. The art was applied to this aircraft for the Paris show because the first aircraft to receive the markings, 84-1315, was being prepared to go to the 163rd FS. Charles Arroyo was the artist drew both nose art with colored grease pencils. MSGT Charles Arroyo advises one can tell the difference in the nose art by how far the cloak comes down the panel. On aircraft 84-1310 the cloak came to the bottom of the aircraft panel. This aircraft was unable to deploy for Desert Storm.
Sep 1991 [act] 84310 USAF 163 TFS 'FW' F-16C Block 25E
15 Mar 1992 [act] 84310 USAF 163 FS 'FW' F-16C Block 25E
May 2006 [act] 84310 USAF 163 FS 'FW' F-16C Block 25E
Deployment: Iraqi Freedom

Unknown [act] 84310 USAF 163 FS 'FW' F-16C Block 25E
29 Oct 2008 [sto] AAFG0597 USAF AMARC F-16C Block 25E
04 Mar 2014 [sto] AAFG0597 USAF OO-ALC F-16C Block 25E
Hill AFB, for refurbishment.
18 Mar 2017 [act] TS-1637 F-16C Block 25E
FMS Program: Peace Bima-Sena II
19 Mar 2017 [act] TS-1637 TNIAU 16 sqn F-16C Block 25E

Crew Chief Comments

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SSgt. Julio Guevara

Crew Chief Profile
122nd Fighter Wing , 2005 - 2008

SSgt. Nathan Swineheart

Crew Chief Profile
163rd Fighter Squadron "Blacksnakes" , 2008 -
Came from phase to the line and was assigned this jet.

CMSgt. Greg Huntsman

Crew Chief Profile
10th Tactical Fighter Squadron "Fighting Tenth" , 1986 - 1988
My second F-16. Named "Sabre One" with Sergio Delhoya as the pilot. This was the 10 TFS commanders jet. It was later assigned to the 50 TFW Wing Commander. This was my last F-16 as I was transferred to T-37's at Laughlin AFB TX

Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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