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F-16 Aircraft Database

Airframe Details for F-16 #88-0516

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F-16 Aircraft Profile

Aircraft: 88-0516
LM Aero T/V 1C-118
Plant General Dynamics
Local C/N
Delivered USAF 88516
F-16C Block 40D
Current USAF 88516
F-16C Block 40D
Status [act]

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Aircraft History

Date Status Local S/N Airforce/Unit Version Name Info
13 Apr 1990 [act] 88516 F-16C Block 40D
14 Apr 1990 [act] 88516 USAF 69 TFS 'MY' F-16C Block 40D
Jan 1991 [act] 88516 USAF 69 TFS 'MY' F-16C Block 40D
Deployment: Desert Storm

01 Oct 1991 [act] 88516 USAF 69 FS 'MY' F-16C Block 40D
Unknown [act] 88516 USAF 309 FS 'HS' F-16C Block 40D
Aug 1993 [act] 88516 USAF 74 FS 'FT' F-16C Block 40D
Mar 1996 [act] 88516 USAF 524 FS 'CC' F-16C Block 40D
Aug 2000 [act] 88516 USAF 421 FS 'HL' F-16C Block 40D
Special characteristics:
  • Unit Markings: 421 FS
25 May 2003 [act] 88516 USAF 421 FS 'HL' F-16C Block 40D
Deployment: Iraqi Freedom

15 Jun 2003 [msh] 88516 USAF 421 FS 'HL' F-16C Block 40D
Got hit on the ground by F-16C (88-0421) caused by a hydraulic failure of the other F-16. Cost to repair was $1.1 million and was conducted by the 649th CLSS over a period of two years once work started.
07 May 2007 [act] 88516 USAF 421 FS 'HL' F-16C Block 40D News Article
Returned to the Wing after several years of repairs, but not received into the squadron for a few more weeks.
Jul 2008 [act] 88516 USAF 4 FS F-16C Block 40D
Oct 2009 [act] 88516 USAF 35 FS 'WP' F-16C Block 40D
20 Sep 2010 [act] 88516 USAF 510 FS 'AV' F-16C Block 40D

Crew Chief Comments

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TSgt. Ryan Darrell

Crew Chief Profile
524th Fighter Squadron "Hounds" , 1996 - 2000
I was here when we had only one Block 40 F-16 in the Hounds of Heaven Sq and watched it grow into a FMC Squadron. I felt I learned more about F-111 hunks of junk then F-16's. I watched the last of the F-111's an EF-111's leave for the bone yard! Bye Bye LOL. I got an incentive flight in a F-16 block 40 while on a TDY to Nellis AFB, Nevada, It was totaly awsome!

MSgt. Robert Entinger

Crew Chief Profile
31st Fighter Wing , 1992 - 1994
Arrived back to Homestead only to have the base wiped out by Hurricane Andrew..... Moved up to South Carolina after the storm. This jet was the last BLock 40's I ever woked on

SSgt. Robert Pevoroff

Crew Chief Profile
421st Fighter Squadron "Black Widows" , 2007 - 2007
This jet came back from a nasty accident in '03 with ACFT 88-0421, which is also back in service.

Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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