RTAF F-16A block 15 ADF #10207 in the colors of 102 sqn is placed on a pedestal and acts as a gate guard at Khorat AB when photographed there on August 12th, 2024. [Photo by Andries Waardenburg]
RTAF F-16A block 15 ADF #10207 in the colors of 102 sqn is placed on a pedestal and acts as a gate guard at Khorat AB when photographed there on August 12th, 2024. [Photo by Andries Waardenburg]
RTAF F-16A block 15 ADF #10207 in the colors of 102 sqn is placed on a pedestal and acts as a gate guard at Khorat AB when photographed there on August 12th, 2024. [Photo by Andries Waardenburg]
RTAF F-16A block 15 ADF #10207 in the colors of 102 sqn is placed on a pedestal and acts as a gate guard at Khorat AB when photographed there on August 12th, 2024. [Photo by Andries Waardenburg]
RTAF F-16AM #40319 from 403 sqn is flying a training sortie together with a sistership. [RAAF photo]
RTAF F-16B block 15 #10322 is preserved at the RTAF Museum at Don Muang and seen here in late 2024 adorned with the air forces 100th anniversary scheme on the tail. [Photo by KH Sim]