RSAF F-16D Block 52 #638 was the first aircraft delivered under the Peace Carvin II deal. All F-16Ds in this deal have the dorsal spine. [LMTAS photo]
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News: Singapore opens new air base to house F-16Ds [2004-11-29]
Changi Air Base East was officially inaugurated by Defence Minister Teo Chee Hean, this afternoon. The 145 Squadron which will be based there, oprates the F-16D Block 52+ jets. These Vipers are state-of-the-art, and so is the airbase they operate from.
News: Singapore Air Force accepts first Block 52 F-16 [1998-04-08]
The RSAF has taken delivery of the first of 30 Block 52 F-16CJ/DJs ordered from LMTAS. In a ceremony at Fort Worth, Chief of Singapore Defense Forces Lt. Gen. Bey Soo Khiang, formally accepted an F-16D with serial #94-0274.
News: RSAF to purchase Sniper ATP [2008-05-08]
Lockheed Martin has won a undisclosed value contract from the Republic of Singapore Air Force (RSAF) for the Sniper® Advanced Targeting Pods (ATP) for the F-16 Block 52 aircraft.
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