PAF F-16D block 52 #10801 seen air-to-air on September 30th, 2009 during its 2nd flight. The USAF is set to deliver the first of 18 new F-16C/D block 52's to the Pakistan Air Force. [Lockheed Martin photo]
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News: Delivery of new F-16s to Pakistan shows deepening relations [2010-06-24]
The Air Force is set to deliver the first of 18 new F-16 Fighting Falcon jet fighters to the Pakistani air force in a sign of deepening relations between the United States and Pakistan.
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The versions of the F-16 being delivered to customers now are the most advanced 4th Generation multi-role fighter aircraft currently available on the international market and are building on the F-16's reputation for effectiveness and value, the Lockheed Martin director of business development for the program said today.
News: Further sale of F-16 Blk 52s to Pakistan [2016-02-15]
The State Department has approved a possible Foreign Military Sale to the Government of Pakistan for F-16 Block 52 Aircraft, equipment, training, and logistics support. The estimated cost is $699.04 million.
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