USAF F-16C block 30 #85-1442 is spotted at AMARG on September 27th, 2010 while waiting to be processed. This airframe only arrived 12 days earlier, on September 12th. [Photo by Mario Michels]
USAF F-16C block 32 #87-0325 is spotted at AMARG marked as AAFG0632 in August of 2011. [Photo by Sulfer732]
USAF F-16D block 32 #86-0041 is being spotted completely disassembled at AMARG on November 26th, 2010. [Photo by Dennis Peteri]
USAF F-16D block 32 #86-0041 is being spotted completely disassembled at AMARG on November 26th, 2010. [Photo by Dennis Peteri]
USAF F-16C block 32 #87-0331 is being spotted completely disassembled at AMARG on November 26th, 2010. [Photo by Dennis Peteri]
USAF F-16C block 30 #85-1400 formerly from the 121st FS is parked at AMARC on October 6th, 2011 covered with spray-lat. The jet arrived on June 29th, 2010. [Photo by Rogier Ottens]
USAF F-16A block 5 #78-0068 assigned to the 466th FS is seen on the recieving line at AMARC in ealy 1994. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 1 #78-0012 assigned to the 121st FS seen being recieved into AMARC in early 1994. Note the nose high stance of the jet after it had been defueled. This was interesting to see if a pilot came back from a mission very low on fuel. If the NLG extended too far, the NLG WOW (weight on wheels) switch would 'make' and this would cut out NWS (nose wheel steering) and the pilot would find he could no longer turn the jet during taxi. [Photo by Kevin Patrick]
USAF F-16A block 15 #82-0900 in the colors of the 93rd FS is parked on the tarmac at Tucson IAP in October of 1996 just arriving from storage at AMARC. The airframe was reintroduced into service with the 148th FS bewteen 1996 and 2003 when it returned to AMARC again. [
Airfighters.com photo by David F. Brown]
USAF F-16C block 25 #84-1378 still in the colors of the 309th FS is being covered with spraylat sitting at AMARC. [Photo by Vipermech3]
PAF F-16B block 15 #92614 is parked on the test flightline of AMARC in May of 1996. [
Airfighters.com photo by David F. Brown]
USNavy F-16N block 30 #163273 in the colors of the NFWS is parked at AMARC on October 9th, 1994. [
Airfighters.com photo by Michael Baldock]
USAF F-16A block 15 #82-1007 in the colors of the 704th FS is parked at AMARC on October 9th, 1994. [
Airfighters.com photo by Michael Baldock]
USAF F-16A block 15 #83-1079 in the colors of the 178th FS is parked at AMARC on January 22nd, 2007. [
Airfighters.com photo by Peter Boschert]
USAF F-16A block 15 #83-1094 in the colors of the 182nd FS is parked at AMARC on January 22nd, 2007. [
Airfighters.com photo by Peter Boschert]