RDAF, F-16AM, #E-174, parked at the 2003 Kleine Brogel Spotters Day [Photo by
Robert Arts]
Frontal view of RDAF, F-16AM, parked at the 2003 Kleine Brogel Spotters Day [Photo by
Robert Arts]
Frontal view of RDAF, F-16AM, parked at the 2003 Kleine Brogel Spotters Day [Photo by
Robert Arts]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-174, low & fast during COMAO 2003 at 30th October at Kleine Brogel [Photo by Dirk Cornelis]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-174, watch the shock waves in the exhaust during COMAO 2003 at 30th October at Kleine Brogel [Photo by Dirk Cornelis]
RDAF F-16A, #E-199 landing after a demo [RDAF photo]
RDAF twoship with #E-177, the Danish LTF aircraft for the MLU program and #E-180, with special 50 years NATO markings [RDAF photo]
RDAF F-16A #E-004 was part of a follow-on order for 12 Block 15 aircraft. Note the PIDS on the middle hardpoint [Photo by H. Kristensen]
RDAF F-16AM, #017 and #E-611, in a flying duet [RDAF photo]
RDAF F-16AM #E-004, armed with AIM-120 AMRAAMs and LGBs, over Afghanistan. RDAF F-16s participated in opeartion Endure Freedom from October 2002 to October 2003, and were based at Manas AFB in Kirgistan [RDAF photo]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-016, taxiing at nightfall with the LANTIRN targeting pod under the chin station [Photo by Nick Clark]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-070, shot from a Dutch KDC-10 tanker [Photo by Nick Clark]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-194, pulling up sharply [Photo by Eskil John Nielsen-Ferreira]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-199, taking-off. Note the small tail art. [Photo by Eskil John Nielsen-Ferreira]
RDAF F-16AM, #E-202 banking for a nice 3/4 rear shot [Photo by Eskil John Nielsen-Ferreira]