YF-16 and FSD Aircraft

  • Lockheed/Code One collection

    Lockheed/Code One collection

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    The YF-16 (#01568) and F-16 No.1 (#75745), both with AIM-9E Sidewinders. Note the radar-less small nose of the YF on the left. [Photo by Tom Collins]
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    The YF-16 (#01568) and F-16 No.1 (#75745) in-flight. [Photo by Tom Collins]
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    The 1st prototype aircraft (#01567) was taken to the Paris Air Show in 1975. This picture was taken in June, just before the Air Show, at Bitburg AB Germany. [Photo by Lt. Col. L. Danner]
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    The 2nd YF-16 prototype (#01568), seen with a load of 4 Sparrows, including 2 on the wingtips. Given the absence of a radar (the pointy nose was later enlarged to accomodate the radar), this configuration seems odd. [USAF photo]
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    72-01567 (#01567), the first YF-16 prototype in the original red/blue/white color scheme. [USAF photo]
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    The second YF-16 (#01568), equiped with 2x AIM-9, 2x AIM-7 and camera pods test-firing a Sparrow missile. [USAF photo]
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    The second YF-16 prototype (#01568) during LGB tests, with two converted Mk.82s. The pods contain telemetry equipment (confirmation anyone ?). [USAF photo]
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    USAF YF-16, #72-01568, in an early configuration wearing a two toned blue/light brown color scheme for naval evaluation purposes. [USAF photo]
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    YF-16 prototype mock-up. [GD photo]
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    The first USAF YF-16 prototype (#01567) in the standard prototype camouflage scheme. The YF-16 was designed to meet the ACF spedification: a simple day fighter, without radar, and armed with only short-range missiles. [USAF photo]
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    USAF YF-16 prototype, #01567 somewhere over Nevada. [USAF photo]
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    USAF YF-16 prototype, #01568 in a blue and white camouflage scheme. [USAF photo]
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    F-16B, #75751, void of engine but with an external anti-spin recovery system still installed taken in a sore condition at Edwards AFB on April 24th, 1997. [Robs Aircraft Picture Library photo by John Smith]
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    YF-16 no. 2, #01568, in rollout scheme Note that the first flag on the aircraft is the Iranian one. [USAF photo]