F-16 Barrier Art

  • 158FW134FS-BA.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 158 FW/134 FS deployment. Photographed during OEF/OIF 06/07 deployment. [Photo by Rudy]
  • 555FS-BA1.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 555 FS deployment. Photographed during OEF/OIF 06/07 deployment. [Photo by Rudy]
  • 122FW-BA1.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 122 FW deployment. Photographed during OEF/OIF 06/07 deployment. [Photo by Rudy]
  • 183FW04-BA.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 183 FW 2004 deployment. Photographed during OEF/OIF 06/07 deployment. [Photo by Rudy]
  • 187FW160FS-BA.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 187 FW/160 FS deployment. Photographed during OEF/OIF 06/07 deployment. [Photo by Rudy]
  • 158FW134FS-BA1.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 158 FW/134 FS deployment. Photographed during OEF/OIF 06/07 deployment. [Photo by Rudy]
  • 169.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 301/482 FW's deployment during AEF 7/8 in May-Aug 2007. Photographed on August 7th, 2007. [Photo by F16cctul]
  • 174FW.jpg
    Barrier artwork from the 174th FW during OIF at Balad AB, Iraq. Painted in January of 2007. [Photo by 174wepsw]
  • 174FW_001.jpg
    Barrier artwork from the 174th FW during OIF at Balad AB, Iraq. Painted in January of 2007. [Photo by 174wepsw]
  • 35eamxs_307.jpg
    Barrier artwork from the 13th/14th EAMU for AEF-5 & AEF-7 deployment during OIF at Balad AB. Photo taken June 17, 2007. [Photo by 501-tester]
  • IMG_0107.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 13th/14th EAMU for AEF-5 & AEF-7 deployment during OIF at Balad AB. Photo taken June 17, 2007. [Photo courtesy of matthew83128]
  • 13FS.JPG
    Barrier artwork from the 13th/14th EAMU for AEF-5 & AEF-7 deployment during OIF at Balad AB. Photo taken June 17, 2007. [Photo courtesy of matthew83128]
  • p1000682_137.jpg
    Barrier artwork from the 13th/14th EFS for AEF-5 & AEF-7 deployment during OIF at Balad AB. Photo taken August 30, 2007. [Photo courtesy of 501-tester]
  • wall_181.jpg
    Barrier artwork from the 13th/14th EFS for AEF-5 & AEF-7 deployment during OIF at Balad AB. Photo taken August 19, 2007. [Photo courtesy of 501-tester]
  • 14EFS-BA.jpg
    Barrier artwork from the 14th EFS for AEF-5/6 deployment during OIF at Balad AB. Photo taken June 18, 2007. [Photo courtesy of 501-tester]