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Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 16 Dec 2014, 10:34
by spazsinbad
First JSF fighter jets will arrive in the Netherlands in 2019
16 Dec 2014 DutchNewsNL

"The first JSF jet fighter aircraft will arrive in the Netherlands in 2019, ministers have told MPs. The Netherlands will buy eight aircraft a year from 2019, taking the total to 37.

The first of the jet fighters will be stationed at the airforce base in Leeuwarden. Later, the base at Volkel will also be equipped to take them. The JSF is replacing the current fleet of ageing F-16 jets.

Most of the JSFs will be used for training purposes and to defend Dutch air space. Just four will be available for military missions abroad..."

Source: ... -2019.php/

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 17 Dec 2014, 10:24
by spazsinbad
Dutch F-35 orders ready to take off
16 Dec 2014 Craig Hoyle

"...The [F-35A] type’s introduction will coincide with a reduction in the nation's active fleet of Lockheed F-16s, from a current 61 examples to 45 in 2021 and 24 in 2023, before leaving use the following year.

Once at full strength, the Netherlands’ F-35 fleet will be sufficient for the nation to declare up to six of the type as available to support NATO operations, including two for quick reaction alert duties. Its investment in the type is expected to total €4.6 billion ($5.8 billion), the defence ministry says."

Source: ... ff-407165/

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 14 Jan 2015, 10:33
by joost
LtGen Bodgan was in the Netherlands this week and talked to Parliament members.

Article is in Dutch but the highlights:

- F-35 will become cheaper, in 2019 80-85 Mln USD
- no price guarantee can be given due to the program complexity and dynamics
- Dutch MoD want to order eight aircraft for delivery in 2019, contract has to be signed in March 2015 for this batch
- first two aircraft will be stationed in Leeuwarden AFB in the second half of 2019, two years later the first aircraft will be delivered to Volkel AFB
- five aircraft will remain in the US for training, other 32 will be stationed in the Netherlands, with constantly 4 aircraft ready for deployments (ability from 2024 onwards). ... -goedkoper

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 26 Feb 2015, 20:06
by joost
Today on the Dutch radio news it was announced that the Dutch Parliament approved the purchase of the first 8 F-35As (of course we already have two aircraft, so that makes 10).

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 26 Feb 2015, 23:52
by treebeard
I'll drink to that!

Gotta love the subtle lack of anything closely resembling a long term vision in the Democratic party by the way.

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 08:57
by joost
Parliament says "go" to purchase of first JSFs

A large majority in parliament supports the purchase of the first eight Joint Strike Fighters. ,, This is the point of no return, "said Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert, Minister of Defense Thursday during a debate on the successor to the F-16, which the Air Force currently operates.

The purchase according Hennis also important in view of the developments in Ukraine and the Middle East. It is in this context ,, about time "that the Air Force will get clarity on the fighter that she is going to fly in the future, said the minister.

Finish Line reached
The government gets the sensitive issue "across the finish line, "stated Ronald Vuijk of the VVD (liberals). About the successor of the F-16 was discussed since the mid-nineties. The eight aircraft must fly in 2019 with the Royal Air Force. A total of 37 are eligible for 4.5 billion euros.

D66 (Democrats) turned against the decision. The party sees too many uncertainties when it comes to include the cost and performance of the US unit. We are increasingly ,, drawn in the the JSF swamp "said Wassila Hachchi.

'D66 turns'

D66 ,, is twisting, "said the liberal Vuijk. PvdA (Labor) and CDA (Christan-Democrats) wanted to know what alternative Hachchi then saw for the F-35 JSF. ,, You can not postpone a decision a few years, "said Raymond Knops of the CDA. Freedom Party, Green Left and SP (socialists) are also against the purchase.

The CDA still has concerns. The financial support of the project is not sustainable, says Knops. Furthermore, the Christian Democrats find it not good that no account is taken of peace losses. The government is, going according to him ,, of wishful thinking. "

Hennis sees rising

According to Minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert (Defence) there are always risks when buying weapons. ,, Especially at this one. "But she just sees ,, upward trend" in the development of the JSF.

Also PvdA Angelien Eijsink is positive. She sees ,, great progress "on the points which had put her party requirements such as noise, emissions, finance and employment. ... sfs-542246

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 11:20
by gabriele
Where will the aircraft be assembled, in the end? Have they confirmed the agreement with Italy for assembly of the jets in Cameri in exchange for italian F-135 engine maintenance in the Netherlands...? Very important point in terms of industrial returns, and very key argument in the political debate over the italian buy of F-35s. Would be bad if the deal was dropped.

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 11:35
by joost
gabriele wrote:Where will the aircraft be assembled, in the end? Have they confirmed the agreement with Italy for assembly of the jets in Cameri in exchange for italian F-135 engine maintenance in the Netherlands...? Very important point in terms of industrial returns, and very key argument in the political debate over the italian buy of F-35s. Would be bad if the deal was dropped.

According to this article the F-35s will be assembled in Italy, indeed. ... en-italie/

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 11:47
by gabriele
joost wrote:
gabriele wrote:Where will the aircraft be assembled, in the end? Have they confirmed the agreement with Italy for assembly of the jets in Cameri in exchange for italian F-135 engine maintenance in the Netherlands...? Very important point in terms of industrial returns, and very key argument in the political debate over the italian buy of F-35s. Would be bad if the deal was dropped.

According to this article the F-35s will be assembled in Italy, indeed. ... en-italie/

Yes, but it is a july 2014 article, old stuff. In more recent times the italian minister has said there isn't yet a formal deal for that. It is very important to get a confirmation.

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 13:46
by joost
There is a letter dated 4 Sept 2014 form the MoD to the parliament on media reactions in which the intention still stands to build the F-35 in Italy.

Please provide your source that the plans might have changed. Nothing indicates there is a change of plans, so please provide your info. Btw: I can imagine an agreement only makes sense after first deciding to purchase the aircraaft. Since this happened only yesterday, I am sure the production deal will be worked on as well soon enough.

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 14:22
by vilters
Assembly in Italy???
Will they NEVER learn???

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 15:11
by joost
vilters wrote:Assembly in Italy???
Will they NEVER learn???

Blablablabla. The FACO is identical to the fort Worth plant (only smaller). In the past F-16s were produced at Fokker for some coutries in the Netherlands. Quality is controlled by LM of course.

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 16:01
by gabriele
joost wrote:There is a letter dated 4 Sept 2014 form the MoD to the parliament on media reactions in which the intention still stands to build the F-35 in Italy.

Please provide your source that the plans might have changed. Nothing indicates there is a change of plans, so please provide your info. Btw: I can imagine an agreement only makes sense after first deciding to purchase the aircraaft. Since this happened only yesterday, I am sure the production deal will be worked on as well soon enough.

Italian press, reportedly having asked the italian Ministry of Defence.

Il 22 gennaio è arrivata la risposta: “Una decisione su dove i nostri caccia saranno costruiti non è ancora stata presa. Attualmente i ministeri della Difesa olandese e italiano”, prosegue la nota indirizzataci dal Ministerie van Defensie, “stanno lavorando alla fase finale di un agreement che chiarirà i loro futuri accordi bilaterali per la produzione e il sostegno logistico stabiliti nel Memorandum of Understatement firmato nel 2006”. ... r-la-faco/

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 27 Feb 2015, 16:20
by SpudmanWP
The first F-35 assembles at the Italian FACO will rollout soon.

Re: Dutch MoD choose definitely for F-35

Unread postPosted: 03 Mar 2015, 16:19
by maus92
Updating the post above:

Dutch parliament approves first F-35 production order
By: ANNO GRAVEMAKER | Flight Global

"The Dutch parliament has approved an order for the nation’s first production batch of eight Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning IIs, to be delivered in 2019.

“With this decision, we have reached the point of no return in the replacement of the [Lockheed] F-16,” said defence minister Jeanine Hennis-Plasschaert on 26 February.

The Royal Netherlands Air Force is already operating two F-35As, which were acquired to enable the service to participate in US-led initial operational test and evaluation of the Joint Strike Fighter. In early February, these were moved from Eglin AFB in Florida to Edwards AFB in California.

From its next batch of eight F-35As, which will be assembled at Lockheed’s Fort Worth site in Texas, six will remain at a multinational pilot training centre in Luke AFB, Arizona until the end of the transition process in 2023. The two test aircraft now at Edwards AFB will also be relocated to Luke on the completion of the IOT&E activity.

Once the Dutch air force has completed its transition to the new type, five aircraft will remain in the USA for training and testing purposes. The rest of its fleet will be used to form three squadrons based in the Netherlands...." ... er-409673/