
Crew Chief Profiles

  SSgt. Kenneth " Kenny" Erekson

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My profile

Name SSgt. Kenneth Erekson
Unit 18th Aggressor Squadron "Blue Foxes"
Crewing F-16s
Contact acc2108 Send me a private message
I hate phase.

Current or Favourite assignment

absolutely nothing


Iraq: dec 2005-may 2006
Iraq: aug 2007-jan 2008

My Jets & Assignments

89108 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 4th Fighter Squadron "Fightin' Fuujins" [Unit History]
Period 2004 - 2008
Current: 89108   USAF 421 FS F-16C Block 40 [ w/o]
Pride of the fleet until it was given to the 421
90725 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 4th Fighter Squadron "Fightin' Fuujins" [Unit History]
Period 2008 - 2008
Current: 90725   USAF 163 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
didnt crew it long enough to form an opinion of it.
86298 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 18th Aggressor Squadron "Blue Foxes" [Unit History]
Period 2008 - 2009
Current: 86-0298   USAF AMARC F-16C Block 30 [ sto]
was sent to phase before i got to really work this jet. i hate phase.
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