
Crew Chief Profiles

  TSgt. Bart " Bartman" Phillips (Ret.)

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Name TSgt. Bart Phillips (Ret.)
Unit 78th Fighter Squadron "Bushmasters"
Crewing F-16s from 1989 until 2000
Contact Bartman77 Send me a private message
joined in Aug 1980 crewed T-38As at Randolph AFB TX from 80 to 86 iIthen went to Nellis AFB Nevada Test Rangeand phased F-117As til 1989 I went to Shaw AFB SC & crewed F-16Cs block 25s in 90-91 went to Desert Storm with the 17th FS at Shaw We went to UAE from Aug 90 to Mar 91 I stayed at Shaw and hopped around to all the squadrons as they disbanded I left Shaw in 96 and went to Cannon AFB New Mexico phased F-16s block 30s with the 523rd FS as they took over for the Aardvarks. in 1998 i went to Kunsan AB Korea & phased block 30s for the 35th FS until 99 came back to Cannon AFB 523rd Phase until June 2000 stayed here at Clovis and became a police officer for the city.

Current or Favourite assignment

The people. The 78th was an Awesome Squadron to work for and the people were the best. The area around Shaw AFB was great Fishing every chance I got at Wateree. I spent my spare time as a Volunteer Fire Fighter with the Cherryvale Fire Department which was right outside the gates of the base. it was here that i met my best friend in the world we grew to be as close as brothers. After i left Shaw and went to Cannon Alan Brown moved his family back home to New Hampshire. Alan is the only military member I've actually stayed in touch with after all these years


Desert Shield/Storm numerous Red Flags and Combat Archers. Maple Flag in Cold Lake Canada and too many Southern watches to count

My Jets & Assignments

AT-38 Talon
Unit 12th OMS Randolph AFB
Period 1980 - 1986
Started out my Career on T-38As was in Post Dock (FCF Section) then went to flightline Talon 2 I was the DCC of ARCFT 61-4383
F-117 Nighthawk
Unit 4450th TAC Group
Period 1986 - 1989
Went to the Black Project could tell you about it but then I'd have to shoot you....LOL
84244 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 17th Fighter Squadron "Hooters" [Unit History]
Period 1989 - 1992
Current: 84244   USAF AMARC F-16C Block 25 [ sto]
I was at Shaw for 8 months when Desert Shield /Storm kicked off. I was the DCC of this jet and during Desert shield/Storm i painted the Bart Simpson on the EPU panel with Grease pencils was deployed in the 1st war from Aug 90 to Mar 91 The "Bartman" as I called it flew 56 combat sorties
90787 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 33rd Fighter Squadron "Falcons" [Unit History]
Period 1992 - 1993
Current: 90787   USAF 8 FS F-16D Block 42 [ act]
After the war i transfered to the 33rd and stayed with the unit til it disbanded in 1993 was the DCC of a F-16D block 42 model.
91397 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 78th Fighter Squadron "Bushmasters" [Unit History]
Period 1993 - 1996
Current: 91397   USAF 78 FS F-16C Block 50 [ w/o]
After the 33rd disbanded the 363rd Fighter Wing changed to the 20th the Squadrons redesignated I went to the 78th FS which was formerly the 19th i got to be the DCC of a brand new F-16c Block 50 after i left Shaw i learned the plane crashed in the Atlantic outside of Myrtle Beach SC
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders" [History]
Period 1996 - 1998
I came to Cannon and brought in the F-16s for the 523FS to replace the Aardvarks we backed up here to Block 30s After the transfer was complete i worked Phase
Unit 35th Fighter Squadron "Pantons" [History]
Period 1998 - 1999
19 years in and the short tour finally caught me i worked Phase in Kunsan Korea
Unit 523rd Fighter Squadron "Crusaders" [History]
Period 1999 - 2000
Made it back to Cannon went back to Phase and retired in June 2000 My family stayed here and I became a Police Officer for Clovis
Visitor Comments
Remember the Days
Stacey, Oct 08, 2008 - 04:12 AM

Funny what will show up when you google a name. Hate to see what would come up if you google mine. Would like to see more photos, though.

Take care.

Bartman77, Nov 14, 2018 - 04:01 AM

On Nov 6th 2018 I had the honor of going to Nellis AFB in Las Vegas Nevada and being escorted out to the flight line. There I was able to reunite with F-16c Block 25 tail # 84-1244 this was the same aircraft I crewed during operation Desert Shield/ Desert Storm 28 years ago I retired from the Air Force 18 years ago.. this reunion was very emotional for me I was proud to serve in the USAF and was proud to know after 28 years my plane is still serving the Air Force as an Aggressor with the 57th it was a proud moment in my life to see my old plans one more time before either it or me hits the boneyard

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