
Crew Chief Profiles

  Mr. John " GERB" Gerbas III

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Name Mr. John Gerbas III
Unit 22nd Fighter Squadron "Stingers"
Crewing F-16s from 1998 until 2009
Contact ViperKeeper Send me a private message
Miami Beach, FL
Trier, Germany

98-98 Shepperd, Texas (school)
99-99 Luke, Arizona (school)
99-01 Spangdahlem, Germany 22nd Fighter Squadron
01-03 Edwards, California 416th Flight Test Squadron
01-03 Edwards, California F-16 Special Projects
03-04 Osan, Korea 36th Fighter Squadron
04-04 Shaw, South Carolina 79th Fighter Squadron
05-08 Volkel, The Netherlands (RNLAF) 312th Tactical Fighter Squadron
08-08 Bodø, Norway (RNoAF) 331st Fighter Squadron
08-09 Volkel, The Netherlands (RNLAF) 313th Reaction Force Sqn/ Pursuit Squadron
09-09 Volkel, The Netherlands (RNLAF) 312th Tactical Fighter Squadron

Current or Favourite assignment

The beatings will continue until moral improves!


'00 Red Flag (Nellis AFB)
'01 Site 53 (Israel)
'02 Luke (Arizona)
'03 Suwon (South Korea)
'06 Maple Flag (Canada)
'06 FWIT (Leeuwarden AB,NL)
'06 FWIT (Orland MAS,Norway)
'07 Hill (Mormon country)
'07 Dugway Recovery Team ;) x2 (UFO central)
'07 Bangor Staging Steak Fest (Maine)
'07 TLP (Florennes AB,Belguim)
'09 TLP (Florennes AB,Belguim)
'09 Hill (Utah)

My Jets & Assignments

91339 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 22nd Fighter Squadron "Stingers" [Unit History]
Period 1998 - 2001
Current: 91339   USAF 179 FS F-16C Block 50 [ act]
While I crewed 339 it was the squadron photo jet and was featured in the Q1 2001 issue of Code One and was used as the Airshow bird. Along with being the Transitioning commanders jet. The place is great and I was there with a GREAT group of guys! Yes..Cold tap in my kitchen and BB next door to BBQ! What more could you want?
83120 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 416th Flight Test Squadron [Unit History]
Period 2001 - 2003
Current: 83120   USAF 416 FLTS F-16C Block 25 [ act]
1120 was a testbed for various mods... mostly engine. No Gun installed "Projects" Engine fitted (long pointed feathers, Direct BYPA, More Fuel...more go) Spin chute jet Conformal mounts still installed
Unit 416th Flight Test Squadron [History]
Period 2001 - 2003
88531 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 36th Fighter Squadron "Flying Fiends" [Unit History]
Period 2003 - 2004
Current: 88531   USAF 36 FS F-16C Block 40 [ act]
The jet flew well. Thats about all I can say for the jet... Korea sucks... Some good guys..some bad. Another feeding ground for spine less flight chiefs. Ah the golf... The Rum... My nice big room :) Dorm Daddy FTW
00220 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 79th Fighter Squadron "Tigers" [Unit History]
Period 2004 - 2004
Current: 00220   USAF 79 FS F-16C Block 50 [ act]
Nice new jet.... Good group of guys. Track was close... Time to go...
J-637 [Detailed history of this F-16]
Unit 312th squadron "Bonzo" [Unit History]
Period 2005 - 2008
Current: 239   RJAF 2 sqn F-16A Block 20 MLU [ act]
Was assigned this aircraft in late 2006..only saw it now and then until I left in Jan 08. How a squadron should be! Great group of Crew Chiefs! Jets are junk thou :( American Crew Chief on a Dutch jet...nice! Many after hours drinking the turkey!
Unit 331st skvadron "Lion" [History]
Period 2008 - 2008
Cold Burrr.... QRA and a couple deployments
Unit 313th squadron "Tiger" [History]
Period 2008 - 2009
Crewing for the 313th now! QRA extraordinaire...Thank God for the PS3 Tiger Tiger
Unit 312th squadron "Bonzo" [History]
Period 2009 - 2009
Back to "STRIKE". More Deployments and QRA until it was time to settle down . end of story
Other aircraft/assignments CV-440 - Flight Mech/Line Mech
CV-580- Flight Mech/RII/Lead Mech
747F classic freighter- Line Mech/Flight Mech
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