F-16 Reference

F-16 Aircraft Database

F-16 Aircraft Names starting with the letter T

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Found 47 aircraft, displaying privacy.html-14 [Sorted by Name]
Local S/N AF/Unit Aircraft Name Marked Date Details
84250 USAF 184 TFG 84-1250 "Take It Out And Play With It" Aug 1991 Details
93545 USAF 389 FS 93-0545 "Tbolts Rule" "389 FS" Unknown Details
87277 USAF 188 FS 87-0277 "Team America" 29 Oct 2007 Details
Derka, Derka, Derka is a reference in the movie Team America, produced by the same people as the TV show South Park. Wore six bomb markings on the nose, looks like three of one type and three of a GBU.
83155 USAF 457 FS 83-1155 "Texas Heat" 01 Feb 1992 Details
84396 USAF 184 TFG 84-1396 "The Auctioneer" Jan 1991 Details
84260 USAF 33 TFS 84-1260 "THE BARBARIAN" Sep 1990 Details
84244 USAF 17 TFS 84-1244 "The Bartman/Eat My Shorts Hussein" Jan 1991 Details
Flew 56 missions in Desert Storm. Nose art is Bart Simpson with a sling shot.
85568 USAF 174 FS 85-1568 "The Beast" Apr 1992 Details
91339 USAF 22 FS 91-0339 "The Big 22" "22 FS" 01 Apr 1994 Details
85547 USAF 174 FS 85-1547 "The Big Boss" Apr 1992 Details
85556 USAF 174 FS 85-1556 "the Big Dog" Jun 1992 Details
80535 USAF 89 FS 80-0535 "The City of Kettering" 19 May 1993 Details
Written off when a fuel line came loose while in the pattern at Wright-Patterson, starting a fire inside the engine bay. the pilot declared an emergency and immediately attempted to land on the runway, touching down before the gear was fully extended. The tail hit the runway but the jet landed safely and remained on the runway. It was then used for Aircraft Battle Damage Repair Training (BDRT), even after the squadron exchanged the type for C-141's. Eventually it was scrapped after spending several years in the BDRT section of the base. - Thanks Jake Melampy
86042 USAF 174 FS 86-0042 "The Deuce" Apr 1992 Details
84247 USAF 195 FS 84-1247 "The Flying Soup Bone" Dec 2006 Details
85432 USAF 174 FS 85-1432 "The Hammer" Aug 1992 Details

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Abbreviations and symbols:
[act] Active [i/a] Instructional Airframe [sto] Stored (e.g. at AMARG)
[cld] Cancelled Order [msh] Involved in Mishap [w/o] Write-off
[con] Converted [o/o] On Order
[des] Destroyed (drone) [pre] Preserved (museum, gateguard) T/V LM Aero Type/Version (Construction) number
[emb] Embargoed [scr] Scrapped Photo Available
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