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In Memoriam

Captain Dale Thomas "LOJ" Cormier

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Captain Dale Thomas "LOJ" Cormier

15 February 1991

Visitor Comments
Shelley, May 29, 2007 - 06:34 AM

Dale was my husband. Not a Memorial day, birthday, or anniversary goes that I don't think about him. He was a good man.

David, Jan 23, 2008 - 01:57 PM

I'm sorry for you Shelley. I'm french and dreaming about flying the F16. When I read your comment, I feel so bad for you, hope your are not alone without your beloved Dale.


Capt Cormier
Bartman77, Feb 06, 2008 - 09:09 AM

I was in Desert Storm as a crew chief when the Capts Plane didnt return he was launched out with my jet as a wingman I'll never forget him or that dreadful night

Cindy, Feb 15, 2008 - 11:54 PM

I've noticed that (and I realize the grief is different when it is a spouse) this loss never heals and sorries don't make it better. I'm 100% positive that Dale would be proud of how you are living your life now.

Mike, Jun 30, 2008 - 05:39 AM

Dale was my best friend in school at Auburn. He is the brother that I never had. There's not a day that goes by without thinking of him and remember. Shelley, I think of you often, too & hope you are doing well.

EM, Jul 02, 2008 - 07:06 AM

Knew Dale from UPT class 87-06 at Vance AFB OK, summer of 1986. He was the type of T-38IP that everyone looked up to. Professional, good hearted man. I knew him from a student's perspective and was glad that our worlds interacted, even for just a short time. God bless you and your family.

Noel, Aug 21, 2008 - 12:36 AM

Hi Shelly, Hi Mike,

I too think about Dale a you Mike, I considered him to be be my best friend at Auburn. We have all probably changed some since then and I often find myself thinking what we have missed. On Feb 15th each year I tell someone "Dale's" story. His picture hangs on the wall next to my children's pictures.

War Eagle
Auburn Graduate, Nov 04, 2009 - 03:37 AM

Capt Cormier's story and the comments hit me hard as a recent Auburn grad and commissioned 2Lt. It stirs up a lot of emotions to think of his sacrifice. I'm sure he was an Auburn Man.

Thank you for your service, and War Eagle.

Capt Dale .T Cormier
Cynthia, Feb 05, 2010 - 02:11 AM


My name is Cynthia Bateman I was Capt. Cormier's Pen pal in the 3rd grade at Hillcrest Elem. in 91.

I was suprised I found this much about him after all this time!

I remember meeting you Shelly and I remember how sad it was afterwards....

He will always be my hero....I will tell my kids about him so he can live on forever in memories.

Thank you for reading this...

I pray for you still...


Dana Horn, Jul 04, 2010 - 04:18 PM

I have been looking for Shelley Cormier for a few years now. If any of you know how to contact her, can you please give her my email address? I am also on Facebook "Dana Horn (Dana Roberson)" in San Angelo TX.

My Brother
Scott Cormier, Aug 21, 2010 - 02:01 AM

My Son (Christopher Dale Cormier) who now belongs to the Navy, has always taken an interest in Dales story. While I can provide many details regarding growing up, his first car (69 Road Runner), and many other memories, I don't have many details of experiences that dale had while flying in Operation Desert Storm. Years ago I searched the Web and obtained stuff on my brother, however recently I searched again and have found all the wonderful things that all of you have written which I had not found before. Thank you so much. If anyone wishes to make contact with me, I would be honored. WWW.BRITEFLASHLIGHTS.COM

My Brother in Law
Clarissa Cormier, Nov 03, 2010 - 11:51 PM

Dale, I just want you to know that my son Christopher Dale Cormier would have loved you. He is a great kid. He is in the Navy and talks about you often even though he never got to met you. He held you at such high honor.

However you did at least know about him. We got to tell you on the phone. I believe you fell off your chair in shock that you were going to be an uncle. I too have never seen this post but am glad that I did now.

Jim Simpson, May 30, 2011 - 07:05 PM

For Shelley & Scott: I also remember your loss often. My last memory was sitting (as young adults) in Aunt Joyce's basement, swapping aviation stories. I was a Navy

P-3 Flight Engineer, and we made everyone laugh with our antics.

My prayers have followed you all these years.

You may contact me at

Take care and best wishes!


Long time friend
Leslie Hobgood, Jun 29, 2011 - 08:44 PM

The last time Dale and I were together was in San Antonio, 1990, going nuts in a video arcade....both of us were (are) VIDIDS...I still wear a braclet in his honor. My folks wouldn't tell me of Dale's incident until I returned from the same operation. Every time I deployed, I thought of Dale before, during and at the end of every mission.....

A brief friend
Randy Martin, Mar 22, 2012 - 05:27 PM

I was going through a box of old stuff I'd packed away and thought I'd google Dale when I stumbled across a squadron patch he'd sent me of the unit he was in when he first went to Enid, OK upon entering the AF. I worked with him briefly, just prior to his entrance into the AF. I also went to school with his brother Scott, whom I have not seen since he got out of the Army and moved away from Stone Mountain. I'd read an article in an old news magazine years ago, while in the waiting room at the doctors office, that listed casualties of the Gulf War and knew that Dale had died, but didn't know how to contact any of his family. It's good to know he's remembered. Although I knew him briefly, we really hit it off and I considered him a good friend that I was sorry I lost touch with. Scott, if you see this please send me an email. I've thought of you often as well. mart5907 at bellsouth dot net

A nephew
Christopher Cormier, Nov 13, 2012 - 04:13 AM

Anyone and everyone, i am the son of (Scott and Clarissa Cormier they posted above) i dont know much about my Uncle but i would love to get to know him. i am in the Navy now about to put on E-5 if everything goes right and i have allways wondered about him. please Email me with any information about him i have a wife and a new born son and i would love to tell him about my pilot uncle. who made the greatest sacrifice for his country.

My best friend from UPT!
Paul Olde, Mar 20, 2014 - 07:49 PM

Sorry, I'm so late to see this. I just was thinking about Dale today, and decided to Google his name.. and found this page. Dale and I became best friends during UPT at Vance AFB. We hung out together all the time. He traveled to Georgia for my wedding and I traveled to Oklahoma for his wedding to Shelley. Shelley, I often think of Dale and you. You will always be in my thoughts and prayers. God bless you!

Remembering Captain Cormier
Bruce Bell, May 23, 2014 - 10:28 PM

I was the mechanic assigned to Captain Cormier's aircraft that went down. I will remember that night for the rest of my life. I felt horrible for Captain Cormier's wife and family.

I didn't know Captain Cormier outside of work, but from what I did know, he was a great man, and loved his family. I remember him telling me how he wanted to get back home, like the rest of us.

The whole officer/enlisted idea never really got in the way of an interaction with Captain Cormier and I. Of course, I respected him as an officer, but more as a man and a friend.

I have stuck with aviation as a career, and every time I see an F-16 (not that often at a civilian airport), I think of Captain Cormier and of Desert Storm.

I will be remembering him on this Memorial Day.

Great Guy
Sgt Andrea M, Johnson, May 24, 2015 - 03:23 PM

I served with Capt Cormier while in the 17th TFS, Shaw AFB SC. We deployed to Operation Desert Shield/Storm together. He was a GREAT GUY who loved to fly and laugh. He always had a kind words, a joke and a smile for everyone. Since his death I have celebrated his life and took his advice. He encouraged me to go to college. Several years after his death, I seperated from the Air Force and went to college. I received a Bachelors Degree and two Associates Degrees in four years. I thank him for his encouragement often and salute him with a Budweiser like we used to do for him at the 17th TFS.

In Memoriam
MSgt (Retired) GWB Shaw AFB, SC, Apr 06, 2017 - 09:28 PM

I was deployed with Capt Cormier (although we never met in person). I sincerely pray all who loved Dale has carried his memories while pressing on! I post the following giving credit to J G Magee, Jr;

Oh! I have slipped the surly bonds of earth,

And danced the skies on laughter-silvered wings;

Sunward I've climbed, and joined the tumbling mirth

Of sun-split clouds, --and done a hundred things

You have not dreamed of --Wheeled and soared and swung

High in the sunlit silence. Hov'ring there

I've chased the shouting wind along, and flung

My eager craft through footless halls of air...

Up, up the long, delirious, burning blue

I've topped the wind-swept heights with easy grace

Where never lark or even eagle flew --

And, while with silent lifting mind I've trod

The high untrespassed sanctity of space,

Put out my hand, and touched the face of God.

May God Bless you HEROS, all!

We have not forgotten
M. Skroch, May 28, 2017 - 06:23 AM

My memories of Dale were from high school. We were together throughout our 4 years at West Phoenix High. He was one of those individuals who knew exactly what he wanted to be and to do, starting with following in his father's (USAAC) footsteps as a USAF pilot and on to the Astronaut program. There is no doubt in my mind that he would have done it.

It is becoming less frequent now that Falcon's era is ending, but every time I saw an F-16 on departure out of or on final into to Luke AFB, I think of Dale in his 1969 Plymouth Roadrunner, the time we spent together, and his sole desire to fly.

I only wish that his wife and family could have seen him fly to space.

Rest well, Captain.

Vance AFB Bowling Team
Chris, Dec 29, 2017 - 02:33 PM

I'm not sure how we found time to be on a bowling team after our 12-hour training days as instructor pilots at Vance AFB. We had an enlisted guy for our bowling captain. He made the poor choice to order black bowling shirts with our team and names stamped in brown, not that the sport of bowling was ever a positive fashion statement. What I remember most, though, was how friendly and enthusiastic our T-38 members were: Dale Cormier and P.J. Roberge. Despite flying something sleeker and more glamorous than my banged up T-37, I enjoyed my time with these guys immensely. Tragically, within a few years, each would be gone. My heartfelt condolences to Shelley and the family as well as to P.J.'s family. They were both great guys. I'm glad to have known them, as briefly as it was.

Dale & the 363 TFW Shaw AFB, SC
MSgt T.G.D. (Retired), Nov 12, 2018 - 05:20 PM

Hardly a day goes by without remembering Dale. The 363rd TFW was our family and when one person hurt, we all hurt. It was truly one of the saddest days for our family at Shaw AFB.

As we remember Dale's passing I'm comforted by the comments of his family, friends, fellow officers, pilots and enlisted personnel. Without doubt he was loved and respected and we will continue to honor his memory and sacrifice.

Remembered frequently
Ted "Tim" Kennedy, May 28, 2019 - 02:19 AM

Dale and I knew each other for our four years at West High and he comes to mind over and over because he was a stand up guy and he followed his dreams so well.

Every one of us who new and liked him rooted for him. We also liked and still like knowing that their was someone who reminded us of becoming our best selves.when their might be other influences to the contrary.

Some good things never go away.

30 year Anniversary
Cousin Jim Simpson, Feb 16, 2021 - 03:24 AM

30 years ago we lost Dale- Squadron member Bart Phillips led a toast of remembrance on Face Book live, and raised a glass in his honor.

Thank you Cormier family, we all miss him, but his sacrifice was noble and he lives on in our hearts. I believe I will see him again in heaven.

(Dale's cousin)

Thinking of Dale 31years later
Noel Hopkins, Jan 09, 2022 - 10:48 PM

I often think of my friend Dale, daily really.

His picture (the same one at the top of this page) has hung in every home I have lived in. My children and now my grandchildren know who he is and why his picture is displayed prominently in our home. Dale sent that picture to me while he was deployed and at "moon beach" as he called it. You can make out the F16 in the background. He told me he needed socks and Star Trek videos. Of course, I sent socks and a box of Star Trek videos on VHS out to him...they were sent back to me nearly a year later with his return APO address... I had wild thoughts. Those socks are in my top drawer.

Roll Tide- War Eagle
Daniel Lee, Mar 31, 2022 - 06:42 AM

Capt Cormier and I were stationed at Shaw at the same time. One day our paths crossed in the BX parking lot. He had an Auburn shirt on and I had on an Alabama shirt. We looked at each other and I said Roll Tide and he naturally replied War Eagle. I saw him a few more times on the flight line and we always just exchanged our Roll Tide and War Eagles. While in Desert Storm I saw him and another pilot stepping toward their aircraft. They were in conversation so when we saw each other I just smiled. But he didn’t break stride or conversation but he took time to say War Eagle and I replied Roll Tide. My heart was sadden when I heard that night that an aircraft was missing. Later when I learned it was Dale, I was truly heartbroken. Guys in my career field (A.G.E.) saw pilots all the time but rarely got to know them. While we never became friends, we had that connection of those moments of War Eagle-Roll Tide. Prayers for continued strength and wisdom from God to the family and friends.

Memorial Day 2024
Chris "Tuna" Peloza, May 25, 2024 - 06:07 PM

Dale was my dedicated wingman and friend during Desert Shield/Storm. I did not know him well before we went to the UAE, but that changed during the almost 7 months we shared during the deployment. He was an amazing dart player as we played almost every night. We flew every mission together during our build up to the Storm and 30 combat missions together including the night that Dale did not return with me to Al Dhafra AB. I don't speak of Dale much, but I think of him often including my return to Al Dhafra AB last year as a defense contractor 32 years later. Thinking of him today for Memorial Day weekend 2024.

Dale Cormier
Dan A., Jun 11, 2024 - 06:51 AM

I never got to know Dale but I wish I did. I'm Christopher's stepdad Dan, I know he was a heck of a guy! Thank you Brother for your service and sacrifice. Your family absolutely loves you and misses you. I know your proud of your nephew Christopher Cormier as he is Badass like you in the military. Chris is a chief in the Navy now. We are very proud of both of you.

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